What happened to…..

Last week’s blog update you ask? Well, truth of the matter is I was feeling a bit under the weather and figured it was a good day to lay low and just plain chill out (I did manage to get the web site updated with new pics from the past week, just not in a talkative mood so again, no blog). What was the cause of this day of not feeling at my best? Well, wasn’t exactly sure on that one. Seems I felt a bit like I had a cold/flu thing, had a bit of a head and body ache, was extremely tired and overall had a general feeling of unease. So it had to be Covid, right? But no. Thanks to the government we now have a pretty good supply of at home Covid tests and I came up negative (yes it does say that the “at home” tests are not the end all end all and sometimes offer up false results but kind of figured if I felt better the next day then the test was probably correct). As it turns out, I did feel better the next day so no Covid and for that matter, no cold/flu either. What could it be? You guessed it, allergies! Appears I am allergic to the outdoors (in this case tree and grass pollen, if grass indeed even produces pollen, if not, then grass in general and I am guessing flowers probably produce some sort of pollen, so them too). Which would kind of mean I am allergic to the three seasons (spring, summer and fall) when you tend to have these things. Of course in Texas, there was no winter so it was pretty much a year round thing. And I bring up Texas only because prior to living there, I had never suffered from anything even remote to an allergy from nature (I do recall having a few bad reactions to Tetanus shots as a child but that was about it). Which seems odd to me as why would you just start being allergic to nature out of the blue? And then I remembered “Cedar Fever” as it was explained to me upon arrival in Texas and how even the most un-allergic persons in the world were often brought down by the mighty Cedar Tree or in this case, the pollen produced by the Cedar Tree, and I remembered how it didn’t really hit overnight but more over time and went from being a little sneeze here and there to full out sneeze attacks and multiple boxes of tissue….but only during the season. And then we moved.

To the new Pulpland in Western Kentucky and one thing we don’t seem to have here are an abundance of Cedar Trees. We do, however, have a lot of trees of various different ilks and it is quite beautiful…and I am still sneezing. Looks like the Cedar Fever thing was just a “gateway” allergy to everything else that apparently puts out a pollen and at this point, I seem to start sneezing even when they mow the neighbors lawn! Oh well, the price of nature I suppose and that Claritan stuff does seem to work so there are options. Unfortunately, I am now completely hooked on being outside whenever I can be so I’ll motor through and maybe someday they’ll figure it all out and have a one time vaccine for nature (and I’ll be taking it)!

Even with the one day off, much progress on the Pulp Deck and just finished up on the floor tile install and grouting. Check out the progress pics on the New Pulp page. About to move into the “build a stairway” phase on this one, the dream was always to be able to go from deck level to patio level with out going in the house so stairway it will be!

Time to get busy, see you next week (I hope)!


A tip of the hat to….


Your mama don’t dance and your daddy…..