What a Difference…..

A week makes! I know I like to talk about weather a lot but how can you blame me, I spend so much of my time outside that it is truly a focal point in my life. And there are certain conditions that do not behoove (I’ve been waiting weeks to get that word in) themselves to spending much, if any, time outside at all. I am talking cold and by cold I mean pretty much anything below 40 degrees. Now clearly a few days in the teens with single digit wind chills makes even 32 degrees a day at the beach but let’s admit it, that is a very short-lived situation and eventually it ends up just being cold again. Now we have certainly muscled our way through quite a bit of “cold” while working the 1800 Project, mind you, no heating system (a couple space heaters and a wood burning stove don’t exactly scream beach day), two pairs of gloves at times as the feeling in the fingertips starts to get numb, yet while needing one’s hands and fingers to operate tools and machinery, you know, true cold! But muscle through we did and as always, with the promise of better things to come.

So last weekend we were once again in the 30’s but it did indeed warm up into the 50’s in the afternoon, and combo that with full sunshine, well, let’s just say it felt kind of nice. But to my point and the topic of today’s post, what a difference a week can make….it nearly, if not did, reach 90 degrees yesterday. That’s right, I said 90 degrees! Apparently set a few temp records in and around the project and quite honestly, pretty dang hot! Now I am never one to complain about heat (don’t forget we spent 7 plus years in Texas) but a 50-60 degree swing in a week is a fairly sizable leap and perhaps just a tad unexpected. Mind you, I’ve been working on the 2nd floor of the 1800 Project this past week or so and same as we have no heat, we also have no air conditioning and you know that heat rises, so suffice it to say, what was a walk in refrigerator is also a steam sauna when outside conditions rise in temp.

What to do? First up, drink lot’s of water to make up for all of the sweat that keeps pouring off. Two, open the windows and try to get some sort of cross breeze, which I did, only to go outside for a couple minutes, return and find two wrens (little tweet tweets I like to call them) having moved in and trying to set up camp! They were not exactly happy about my presence but certainly took their time finding their ways back to the open windows and outside as if hoping I wasn’t planning on staying and they could make a go of it. I do suspect this will not be the last time I see them, past experience says they’ll be close by one way or the other.

Today’s forecast? Back in the 80’s before temps go back a little closer to normal tomorrow. And that’s okay because 60 degrees is just fine by me. Back to work and see you next week!


Holy Crap, Is It……


Getting Back In…..