Getting Back In…..

Groove, for sure! Had to take care of a few things the last couple weeks (yes, more investigating into the possibility of a hole in my heart, which turns out, I do have, but all tests and review opinions seem to indicate that it is not a concern and it’s a vert tiny hole so should be just fine)! Now this new news had us check to see if anything else might be happening (a CT scan) which also showed a couple things that may or may not be normal but overall, again, no major concern. Received the typical advice and recommendation “lose some weight and don’t drink too much” which I am pretty sure I have heard from every doctor I’ve seen since I was in my 20’s. The problem being that I’ve been doing a fairly heavy exercise routine (at least for me and that had always worked in the past) and I do not see any of the usual benefits from doing this….getting back to my normal weight, not feeling winded after doing a couple flights of stairs or putting my shoes on, you know, getting back to “normal”, do not seem currently attainable goals. So, yes, slight disappoint but, on a good note, does not appear that 30 years of smoking (I did quit after the valve replacement surgery, but, honestly, I smoked because I truly enjoyed it, which sounds like a fairly typical reply from a smoker when I think about it, but what I am saying is that I didn’t really have a lot of trouble quitting, it’s just something I did, like going for a walk, on/off, no big deal) and there is no sign of lung damage (you know where I am going there) so, at the least, feeling good on that end and did not have to hear “you need to quit smoking” as part of my to-do list!

So here we are, and I am sure time will tell if there is something happening that has not been discovered just yet, but fingers crossed, the switch flips and things just go back to a certain state of normal, maybe it’s some kind of long Covid (and mind you, I have never been diagnosed with Covid) and it will just heal itself in time. And if not, well, I still do everything I plan to do, just end up feeling it, you know?

That said, we are back on the 1800 Project and once again, rocking it! Had our friends from Sebastion Home Solutions back for a day and we got going on the foundation repairs required to put the breakfast nook back in business (check the pics on the New Pulp page, old breakfast nook is gone). Installed our new living room fireplace and working on the chimney shaft to roof, framing out the fireplace/chimney and thinking about how we are going to put the plumbing system back together (and get the first restroom up and running so we can lose the Porta-pottie)!

Started putting away some tools in the storage container the other day and noticed a very friendly looking little guy (all right, we didn’t exactly have lunch together or anything and he did just take a poop on the property) coming out of the woods so snapped the pic accompanying this blog. Lots of update pics on the New Pulp page so check them out!

All for now!


What a Difference…..


Take Me Out…..