Well that was fun…..

For about a minute! What might I be talking about? Nothing other than the NCAA March Madness college basketball tournament and how it is pretty much over as far as I care. Why is that you say, I mean, c’mon, it’s only day 2, right? Yes, day 2 and a ton of basketball to go, correct? Yup, both are very true statements. But here’s the big one, the Kentucky Wildcats are out of it. On day 1 mind you. And they lost to a team with the nickname Peacocks! That’s right sports fans, Peacocks. Beyond embarrassing and I am at a loss for words on how far beyond that it actually is. Hell, it was a feature story on the Today show this morning. Ouch.

And why is that it would be that I care so much about that? Well, you see now, Pulpland is in Kentucky and when you are in Kentucky, there is only one team that matters…the Kentucky Wildcats! Sure there are other teams (Louisville for one and Murray State, the team the Wildcats would have played tomorrow if not for the Peacocks, and more on Murray State in a minute) but they just don’t have the cache or history of the Wildcats so it is Wildcats or bust here. And bust it was. I should mention that there are no pro sport teams in Kentucky so college sports definitely go up a notch in the grand spectrum, that and horse racing (aka, the Derby). I should also mention that when we were in Texas, I did a lot of cheering for the Longhorns as well, and they would always lose in the 1st round if they even made the tournament, so no big deal there, but the Kentucky Wildcats are not supposed to go down at least for another week or two so yes, this is a huge disappointment and while I will still pay attention to the rest of the Madness, I’ll not be glued to the TV and/or getting extremely vocal while watching a game!

That said, go Murray State! They are actually based fairly close to us here in Pulpland and they are the true story of a little school doing good. Believe they just won their 21st game in a row and only have two losses on the season so it should be fun to see if they can get one more win to advance to the next big round. I might even go buy a Murray State tee shirt today just to show some kind of support (it’s like when we were in New York and the Mets would be doing good even though I am a Yankee fan, I rather see a hometown team win then someone else)!

On a very bright note, we have finished off the Pulp Patio this week. Please take a minute to check out the pics on the New Pulp page, very happy about that project and we now have a beautiful place to hang out just in time for the nice weather that’s to come. Also, cutting a new John Pulp single, this one is called “Friday” and just got the first batch of musical input back from Ms. Rikki, who has now taken up playing the keyboard, along with the same virtuoso bass playing we have come to expect. Anyway, first cuts are sounding very interesting and good and I am pretty excited indeed so far!

Time to get some landscaping done although today may be a bit of a letdown due to some severe weather heading in our direction. Will give it a go till that first sound of thunder (they said potential golf ball size hail as well, kind of thinking that might hurt). Till next week!


Just another truck load…..


Something is in the….