Something is in the….

Air. That’s right, and apparently that something is going to be snow as it is in our forecast for this afternoon. No snow-pocalypse mind you, but snow of some means for sure. I suppose it is nature’s final kick in the ass just to remind us that nothing is certain. As in, neither were those 70 degree days we had last week. I suppose it makes things interesting but the windchill single digit temps predicted for tomorrow morning…well, not so big on that. I had already mentioned that this was the most I’ve worn pants in the last 8 years or so (the Texas thing) and was more than happy to throw the shorts on last week, so, again, windchill single digits, no thank you!

Dang close to finishing up the Pulp Patio so having to take a few days off from that (I refuse to set bricks in the winter cold, the hands alone just don’t operate correctly when it is that cold) is a big of a drag. Oh well, we’ll be back on it soon. And coming along it is, this weeks pics are up on the New Pulp Page so check them out when you can. Think I hit a home run coming up with a solution for not having enough of the existing brick to finish it off (the tree removal from center thing) using different color bricks as a border (kept adding till I knew I had enough old style brick to make it all work out). Anyway, have a look and let me know what you all think.

Think we have come up with a version of “Reach For The Sky” that works and I am in the process of doing the final mix down on it. Decided to already get the footage set for a video so not expecting any delays in releasing both of those. Stay tuned.

All in all, good week and on a bright note, whatever snow does come down today will all be melting by Sunday and higher than average temps predicted for all of next week. Is it Spring time yet??

Peace for now and see you next week!!


Well that was fun…..


Going, going……