Tis the season….

Christmas 2020, and pretty sure we’ll all be remembering this one for a long time to come. One seemingly bright note, I’ve been more in contact with family and friends then ever before (and I should mention, I am talking about friends I have not heard from for years)! So, for that…social media, texting, and even that old invention, the telephone (granted, usually a cell but I do still have a landline), I am extremely grateful!

We are in week 2 of the Pulpland website launch and it’s actually starting to show up in online search engines (we are not completely where we’d like to be just yet, but progress is progress!). Anyway, time can be a blessing and we are just going to refer to it as a “soft” launch, which has it’s advantages as we continue to tweak the site.

Work underway for the “Building the Pulp Greenhouse” series and episode 1, “The Foundation”. Did a re-shoot on the “Innocent” music video after going through a training session on making music videos from the good folks at Indepreneur (who will forever be referred to as IndiePro going forward), a talented group of artists who specialize in building fanbases for your music. It’s very cool to be able to have these resources and I am having a grand time putting the whole thing together. Apparently, it’s not that easy to become a “rock star”, but we’ll never get there if we don’t try (being heard would be most awesome as well)!

With that all said, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to y’all! See you next week….


Happy New Year?


Moving Forward…