They Just Don’t……

Build them like that anymore! I know you’ve all heard that line before and it got me thinking about whether that is actually a good or bad thing? Think about it. If something was a complete disaster when it was first introduced, you really wouldn’t want anyone to continue making the same thing as is, right? So bad thing. On the contrary, if, let’s say, it was something that back in the day you wouldn’t have to replace for 20 years or so, well, that is probably a good thing and now that you have to buy a new one every 5 years because that’s just how it is, then the phrase itself is clearly saying the older thing is a good thing. Makes sense right? My reason for mentioning this is basically that you don’t really hear the term ever used for the purpose of saying it is a good thing that they don’t build them like that anymore, which I do find a bit interesting and I’m going to stew on that for a bit!

Anyway, in this and my case, it is being used for traditional means. A few week’s back I had alluded to the fact that we may very well soon be getting into a new project, the “fixing up” (I don’t really want to use the term “remodel”, let’s say more of a “refresh”) of a very old house, nearly top to bottom (of all things though, it has a fairly new roof so good times there and very apropos as that was our subject talk in this week’s New Pulp Improvement session regarding the Pulp Greenhouse project). When I say old, well, we are talking originally built in 1800 so yes indeed, old! In fact, going forward we are just going to call this thing the “1800 Project”. Now the additional good news is, they really built these things to last back in the day (see, the opening phrase put to good use). I’m talking stone foundation, large beams and joists, floors made from 14” wide and 3 inch thick wood planks, I mean freaking solid as far as the “bones” go. But and with time, other things gave way, windows and frames, walls, exteriors, you know, just the time thing. And it doesn’t even have an indoor bathroom (previous inhabitants made due with an outhouse, I kid you not)! So we’ll have our work cut out for us for sure and looking forward to it!

And you know we’ll be keeping you posted on the Pulp Improvements pages so be on the look out for the updates. As mentioned before, you really do need to be flexible when it comes to projects and I have always felt it best to go with where you can make the most impact under current circumstances, so that’s what we’ll be doing.

To follow on the VSD thing, we have an appointment with a specialist this coming Monday, fingers crossed there is a not too invasive fix to it all and we can get back to doing business as normal. Keep you posted and be back soon!!


I Just Can’t Wait…..


Does it count if…..