I Just Can’t Wait…..

Till they perfect the “self-driving” cars (and trucks, of course, as in pick up trucks)! I guess large trucks as well as they can tend to be a huge problem when not driven safely. Anyway, let’s just say when all modes of road transportation are “self-driving”. Now this is just me talking, and I know so many of you out there do indeed like to drive, and nothing wrong with that. But for the whole thing to work, everyone would have to be playing by the same rules, at least to keep accidents from happening. I mean, think about it, for it to work, all cars have to be going at the same speeds relative to the roads they are on and situations they are in. It’s kind of like, and I have always thought about this, when you have a long line of cars stopped at a traffic light. The light turns green and cars start to roll, but if you are at the back, well, you don’t quite get going for a few, right? But what if everyone of those cars hit the gas at exactly the same time and at exactly the same rate of acceleration? Well, in theory, they’d all take off at the same time and keep the same distances apart from each other (yes, we would have to take into account the size and shape of each vehicle, wind resistance and all). Now, we as humans, clearly could not be trusted to do such a thing, but if it was a computer in charge, with no outside influences involved, well, should all work fine is all I am saying. And for those that truly like to get out there and drive, we could work that out as well, let’s say we build a bunch of “Drive Parks” where you can just go and get your drive on. There would be a selection of vehicles to choose from, various themes (city driving, open road, and they already have the “race track” thing but wouldn’t hurt to improve on that a bit). Just a thought!

The reason I mention the self driving car thing is we recently went on a road trip and ended up driving close to a period of 24 hours, split up over a couple days and let me tell you…this is NOT my thing! I get absolutely no enjoyment out of highway driving, I particularly don’t like driving through mountains and when the sun goes down, let’s say I’d rather be sipping a cold brew and watching a game than driving 65 miles and hour down an unlit highway with large trucks barreling past me! Now a lot of this might be due to the fact that I didn’t drive for a long, long time, living in NYC and just not needing to, and I may have lost a bit of an edge when it comes to that. Yet the thought of having my pickup truck drive me from here to there, being able to sight see, not pay attention to the road, watch a movie or take a nap, now we are talking. I’m probably not used to being in one space for a long time either (like a car or truck) but throw in the above mentioned items and we might just be talking about an extremely enjoyable situation. So, I say to you, bring it on!

In Pulpland news, we have mobilized and are just getting underway with the aforementioned “refurbishing” of The 1800 Project! Currently working on critter/weatherproofing the exterior (it’s got a few gaps in the structure as is) and some much needed rentals (Porta Potty and Storage Container) are on the way (believed I have already mentioned the lack of an indoor restroom currently, would like to get going on that as soon as possible). I did a follow up today on the New Pulp page on how we let off the Pulp Porch (fyi, it looks good and we’ll have no problem knocking out the remainder after we receive some more material), but going forward, we’ll be doing a lot of updates and progress reports from The 1800 so stray tuned!

All for now, see you next week!


Nothing Like Taking A Bite……


They Just Don’t……