The New Norm…...

Is a little hard to keep up with! And in this instance, I am talking about the weather. Case in point, on the morning of December 23rd end of last year, we woke up to what I believe was a -4 degree day (more like -15 degrees if you included the wind chill). And of course, I went out, you know, a curiosity thing. And let me tell you, that was a cold like I am not sure I have ever felt (mind you, I had preheated the truck and my stops were short and quick so I literally was outside for not much more than one minute at a clip). The news folks said you could start getting frost bite in 15 to 20 minutes, something I was not trying to experiment with for sure. We even had a couple of water pipes start to freeze up on us, and yes, we had run a trickle drip through them on the overnight, but stopped it during the day (note to self, don’t do that when it is anywhere near below zero temps) causing a good few hours of lost sleep and much stress slowly warming them back up so they didn’t get to bursting point and we once again had water flow. One does rest easier after such an event, so at least it was a good shorter sleep!

So this past week and as you can see by the picture attached to this, 70 degrees and sunny! That’s right, on a day in the second week of January in Western Kentucky…. 70 degrees. And you know I had to break out the shorts (day before was upper 50’s and shorts could have easily been worn then as well, just a little windy). No complaints, of course, this is kind of how it was in old Pulpland (Texas), which made for very convenient conditions working outside…but this is certainly not Texas and it’s getting a little weird and unpredictable which I have a little trouble with mainly in the fact that it is hard to plan for things and hard to plan for outdoor projects (among the many other things it is hard to plan for, like, what am I going to wear next week?) But complain, oh no, not happening. So, we took advantage this past week and got back out there on the Pulp Porch exterior finish off, check out the update pics on the New Pulp page. We are so very close to finishing that one off.

New phrase of the day, “ventricular septal defect” or VSD as it is know in the medical field. No confirmations yet but testing for soon and it may or may not affect our weekly updates (among many other things as well).

Keep you posted and should be back on the air next week!


Does it count if…..


Let’s Not try…..