Let’s Not try…..

And kid ourselves! As you may recall, I’ve been working on a song, “Reach For The Sky”, for, let’s just say…quite some time now. And you may recall that while I’ve been quite happy with it, in general, I could never get the vocals to a point that I felt were doing the song justice. Don’t get me wrong in anyway, I think (and of course, coming from me, this is slightly biased) it is a truly good song and deserves to be out there, however, I just always thought I could bring it home vocally. Well, we’ve now been at it for about a year and a half and while it may be something I just might not be able to do, I did cut a version the other day that sounds fairly respectable and very in line with what I was trying to achieve. At least I think I did. I’ve only listened to it twice now, afraid that too much listening is probably going to change my mind again, so….just giving it a little space at the moment. Like a long lost friend you are very happy to see but not quite so sure just what to say. At least that is what I am telling myself and we’ll go for listening number 3 later today to see if indeed the 3rd time is a charm. Fingers crossed!

Last week we did as promised and kept it real short with the foretelling of some exciting news. Well, here it is. We and our extended Pulp family have come across a property with a house on it, originally built in 1800, and are going to take it on as our next big Pulp Improvement project. The 1800 house has some really good “bones” to it (you know they don’t build them like they used to), a solid foundation and the most coolest big wide wooden plank floors I’ve ever seen. Super excited and we promise to keep you all up to date with the usual weekly project update pics on the New Pulp page. Stay tuned for sure!

As for projects, we’re still going over the Pulp Greenhouse project in depth and this week’s session is all about floors, doors and windows so check it out on the very same, New Pulp page. Couple new pics for sale and two more of the fantastic Ray Harm limited edition print pics to gaze at so go ahead and have a look.

That’s all for now, Happy New Year y’all!


The New Norm…...


Keeping it short…..