The Great Clean Up…

And then, the storm/freeze aftermath and of course, the clean up! Picking up the pieces after a record setting snowfall (4th all time) and stretch of hours below freezing (142 in a row). Multiple tree limbs down and/or half down (which is actually worse as you then have to cut them off at the breaks and wrestle some to the ground). The large plant pruning back to the stubs to see if they regain their former glory. The creek removal of even more downed limbs. Quite the week indeed here at Pulpland!

Even Hootie flew the coop for a week, only returning home here yesterday. Back in full Hoot mode and re-establishing his turf! Played an extended set of Alanis Morrisette (his favorite) on the outdoor speakers to honor his return. Still partnerless so fingers crossed the dating scene picks up.

Some pics of the deep freeze after effects on the big plants plus a couple new shots on the New Pulp page, check them out!

Keeping it short this week as there is still more to clean up. FYI, going on vacation for a couple weeks so will be back up and running mid March. you all be good and see you again real soon!


Moving On Up….


Oh My………..