Oh My………..

Polar Vortex, repeat after me…Polar Vortex! Yup, Texas was graced with said vortex this past week and let me tell you, not pretty at all (sure, the snow looks cool but the multiple days with temps well below freezing, not so good)! Millions spent days without power and I am most sure there will be some significant changes over at the old energy authority. Our hearts went out to those who had to suffer through this and fingers crossed we are on the road to complete recovery.

Here at Pulpland we did not lose power (except for a brief 5 minute spell) and guessing that had a lot to do with the fact that we are fairly close to a large hospital complex and most probably sharing the same section of power grid. We did, however, lose most water pressure for about a day as the main water treatment plant went down in the big freeze. Back to normal pressures but still under a “water boil” alert and hoping that lifts in the near future. Oh, and then there were the frozen tree limbs that came tumbling down, one, of course, taking out the cable/internet, thus our late update this week! Still picking up the rest of the fallen limbs and finally un-blanketing the outdoor large plants, who for the most part, did not fare well. Seeing what a couple days of sunshine and heat do to revive them before declaring a total loss.

Check out the New Pulp page for some pics of this weeks snowfall. The new John Pulp single, “Nothing at All”, is now available on iTunes and most other music streaming services, so glad that finally went through as intended! New “Pulp Wildlife” book is complete and ready to go. Went to publish to Apple Books just prior to our internet blackout only to find that their server was down! Will try again this coming week.

Heading back outside to continue picking up the pieces from the storm. Guess what, supposed to be near 70 degrees today, go figure!

All for now, see you next week!


The Great Clean Up…


Here We Go Again….