The Definition of……

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We’ve all heard this phrase, correct? Well, if not, it’s a keeper and when you really think about it, you certainly can apply it to many situations. It has been widely accredited to Albert Einstein himself but seems that is a bit of a falsehood and more likely seems to be something that came as a result of someone involved in some kind of 12 step program. I kid you not. Anyway, that all said, the past couple of weeks have brought news of a pending National Debt crisis due to non-agreements on raising the National Debt limit. If you watch the news, you no doubt have been getting barraged by this story and at the same time, thinking, didn’t we just do this? As a matter of fact, we did! Again and again and again. Since 1960, Congress has raised the debt limit 78 separate times. That is pretty darn close to once a year in the grand scheme of things. Think about it, all you hear is that if an agreement is not met, the US defaults on paying its loans, which does bad things to the USA credit rating, which, and this is the more important thing I believe, does bad things to to everyones pocket (bottomline/money/nest egg/savings/etc.). That’s right, it is really bad for everyday people. Now one would think this doesn’t really make any sense, why would our elected officials want to do this to us? And why is this happening almost every year? Good questions, indeed and to that I go back to the beginning of this blog and the definition of insanity. For sure the yearly debt limit debate crisis itself (it costs millions and millions of dollars to have this annual disagreement discussion which ultimately gets resolved, aka, abolish the ceiling limit and just do a better job on the annual budgets) and secondly, why do we keep electing the same people that put us in the same boat every year. Can you say permanent term limits? I surely can!

Anyway, that was my political statement of the year and I may or may not have a few more as I continue to observe here in Pulpland. And here in Pulpland, we are still deep in the thick on the 1800 Project. Concrete foundation was completed for the new (old) breakfast nook which will get us closed in and complete with 1st floor window install. We’ll get going with plumbing next week and continue on with shoring up inside framing. Baby steps but we continue to make progress each and every day.

Currently working on two new Pulpmuzic videos, getting the props together for the “live action” portion of the video shoot! Pulp Improvement progress pics up on the New Pulp page plus a couple new Pulp Pics for sale so check them out.

All for now!


Turning Up the…..


I’ll Be……