Turning Up the…..

Heat! Yup, believe it hit 90 degrees today and that, my friends, is the line between warm and seasonal and just plain hot! Don’t get me wrong, I am very cool (good choice of words, right?) with hot and having done the Texas thing for a bit, absolutely know that 90 degrees isn’t even close to hot, yes, it is all relative, but 105 degrees is a little more pushing that envelope and does, for sure, slow you down a notch, but I would just like to mention….. there is nothing worse than being cold! I know there are those that might disagree with me but, I am telling you, you’d be wrong. True cold is absolutely miserable, whereas, true hot, is just that, hot! When you are hot, grab a cold glass of water, jump in the pool/water/ocean, go to an air conditioned movie theatre, grab an ice cube, etc. When you are cold (the obvious would be go to a place that is warm), it’s usually when you are in a situation that you cannot get rapidly out of. I guess the same could be said for the “hot” thing but, in my mind, the cold is just so much harder to escape from. And it may very well be the one time I really remember being cold, with no out in sight, and it probably left a mark, so for that I can only say….bring on the heat!

We’ve officially made the move to shorts as the work attire on the 1800 Project. As it turns out I believe I am done with doing the full lay down and crawl thing to get to certain tight spots so the fear of hitting a wayward nail has greatly diminished. Going forward, if the need to get down on all fours arises, have a couple of those nice little work kneeling pads to soften the blow (I personally can’t stand wearing those strap on knee pads, how about you all?). I guess it is personal choice but I tend to move more freely in shorts (and sneakers for that matter) so I think that outweighs the “more coverage, but stricter movement” you get from full length pants (and heavy work boots) but to each their own and as long as things are getting done, it’s all good, right?

In Pulpmuzic world we did do a first take for a “live action” video on one of our songs we’ll be putting out soon (it’s called Perfect World and the instrumental version can be found in the movie documentary “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead”, good flic, check it out if you can) and of course, we once again were reminded of the right and wrong way to do it (seems I like to start with the wrong way and then slowly get to doing it just right, creature of habit I guess). For one, the phone camera needs to be upright to do a correct capture on a green screen if you want the proper sizing when you drop it into an existing video. And of course, I didn’t have my good camera tripod with me (I do have one now thanks to Amazon). Secondly, you tend to have to shoot the video a couple times and when it is for a song, you need to keep playing that song over and over agin so you can time up with it and have your instrument playing in sync with the song. This typically works best if the song is being played loudly so you can really feel it with your instrument playing. Now, if there are other persons in the vicinity, this may not exactly be appreciated! So, I am advancing my technique and moving to wireless ear buds to listen to the music, which I believe should do the trick (and nearby persons will only have to listen to me playing the song and singing along (much like a live performance) over and over again. Hope they like this one!

All for now, see you next week!


It’s All……


The Definition of……