I’ll Be……

Back! Said in Arnold’s (Schwarzenegger) voice. You remember, the Terminator movies, set in the future and all about artificially intelligent robot machines that were fighting what was left of the human race for total control of the Earth? I guess I should also add myself as well as I did not send out a blog last week (sorry, it was a big travel week)! Anyway, as you recall, Arnold’s Terminator was at first bad, then good but hen being chased by different bad Terminators, through I am not even sure how many movies at this point, but I am pretty sure I have seen them all. All, of course, set in the future and much like a lot of science fiction, based on someones imagination and, of course, not something that would actually ever happen, just pure fantasy, right?

So the other day, the guy who owns the company that created this thing called ChatGPT was appearing before congress (or some government entity and warning the legislators that “artificial intelligence” could eventually be a huge problem if not carefully monitored. And let me regress a bit, the ChatGPT I mentioned, if you are not aware, is an online “A.I. (artificial intelligence)” program that can interpret info and data and make essentially conscious decisions and thoughts based on the info it has been given. n a nutshell, it can take an idea and run with it, or if you will, it can think! That is pretty mind boggling stuff and when it first dropped, seems a bunch of college students realized you could use it to write papers for you (do your homework) which is pretty cool but one would think doesn’t really add a lot to ones actual education if a machine is doing your homework for you. But still pretty cool and I am sure there are a ton of other uses (I am thinking medical research primarily) where it, in theory, really will help things out tremendously. But as mentioned, the guy who owns the company that put this thing out is slightly worried. Kind of thinking that should be a huge warning flag to all as…well….we have all seen the Terminator movies! This is fiction (science) becoming fact and really happening fairly quickly (which is exactly what happened in the movies, so just saying)!

Anyway, the future is rapidly approaching and if we could just have good A.I. robot machines that might be nice (I am thinking one that was good with tools might help me out very nicely) but as mentioned, we’ve all seen the movies and we all know what is eventually going to happen!

Here in Pulpland we are back at it on The 1800 Project, hoping to have our new breakfast nook area complete (including window install) which will get the first floor all buttoned up and ready for our about to begin plumbing install. Update pics on the New Pulp page so check them out!

All for now and see you next week!


The Definition of……


Holy Crap, Is It……