The best made plans are….

No plans at all! Believe I’ve been hearing something along those lines on a current Coors beer commercial featuring Snoop Dogg himself. And I tend to agree. Case in point, a lot of projects I work on here in Pulpland tend to have a desired outcome, however, the path to get there may find itself changing on a daily basis so no solid written down plan for sure. Working on and around a fairly older house requires a certain amount of fluidity, as in, not everything is square so you just have to accept that and plot accordingly. Or really, adjust accordingly as what seems like a solid idea one day, maybe not so much the next. Do it again! Which is okay, as mentioned earlier, it’s all about the end result (and not the 5th time you moved that one beam). We used to have a standard response whenever someone would say they have a serious problem and it would go something like this:

  1. Is it on fire?

  2. Is it being flooded?

  3. Are you in danger?

If the answer to all of those was no, then one certainly has to question the actual seriousness of the problem. Make sense? Anyway, when doing home improvements there are many challenges along the way (note, I did not say problems) and you just have to deal with them as they come up. Remember, there is always a solution and it is the end result that counts.

On another note, anyone been watching the NBA Basketball playoffs? Wild and crazy stuff going on there and it has been extremely exciting and unpredictable which just makes it all the more fun. And I am a Knick fan (for those that don’t know, the Knicks suck and were never even close to getting into the playoffs). Give it a watch, you won’t be disappointed.

Many new Pulp Deck progress pics on the New Pulp page. If you hadn’t guessed, above subject has a lot to do with this and we are plodding along forward, slowly but surely.

Out to the deck! See you next week.


Your mama don’t dance and your daddy…..

