Take Me Out…..

To the ballgame! That’s right folks, Major League Baseball opening day was yesterday and a couple firsts were involved. First first, every team in the league played a game, unprecedented as in the past there might be just a handful of games at best (I seem to recall a time when it might have just been one game to start things off, of course that might have been a dream as well so don’t quote me). Second first, they have implemented a “time clock” if you will on pitchers and batters in an effort to shorten the length of games. Now I know a lot of you might not be into baseball and/or you might follow it on occasion, but truth be told, MLB (Major League Baseball in case you didn’t know) has been a bit on the decline in popularity over the last decade or two and much of it has been attributed to the overall length of the games. Now I am sure if they only played 17 games like the NFL (National Football League, I know you all know what NFL is but I started a trend with the MLB thing so just going down that path), a 3 to 4 hour game wouldn’t be a bad thing but they don’t, they play 162 games (and that’s just the regular season) so let’s face it, that kind of time adds up! And for that matter, there really isn’t a “time” on the game regardless as it is based on outs and innings and I think we an all understand that that, in itself, can put people a little off as, you know, we all kind of like to have a plan of what we are doing and/or going to be doing.

So I say, YES, good move baseball, on both of those things and while I know that sometimes change is hard to take for some (I am a Taurus, I get it) we are all going to adjust and we’ll all be better for it. Remember, baseball is the “National Pastime” even though it has clearly been replaced by football and basketball (and by that I do mean the NFL, previously explained, and the NBA, National Basketball Association, and think I have those all covered now) in terms of popularity and media exposure and for the record I am not talking about the XFL (not even sure what the “X” stands for) or any other leagues that involve any lettering that is not NFL or NBA so, just saying, it’s good to see MLB baseball (kind of doubled up there) making moves to get back in the conversation!

With baseball (and as I have mentioned here in the past, Let’s Go Yanks, as they are and will be always my team and I’ll once again remind you that I am a Jet’s fan so I certainly can’t be accused of being a bandwagon fan and hell, the Yanks haven’t won anything since 2009 so don’t think it matters anyway) comes spring and then summer, good times!

Happy to report we are back on the 1800 Project and just gathering up some dimensions, counts, ordering, etc. etc. today. Expect to see a bunch of new pics in next week’s updates. All for now and see you next week (and I happened to be near a certain ballpark recently so thus the pic)!


Getting Back In…..


You Win Some, You Lose Some…..