You Win Some, You Lose Some…..

Some days it rains! Okay, I actually changed that up a little bit with the real full quote being, “this is a very simple game. You throw the ball, you catch the ball. You hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains. Think about that for awhile.” Truly one of my all time favorite movie quotes ever and for those who are not aware it was from the movie Bull Durham, with Kevin Costner (you know, The Yellowstone dude), Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon and in my eyes (and lot’s of others), one of the top 10 sports movies of all time. Yes, I am sure that is debatable but not here in Pulpland and I now kind of have a hankering to watch it again so might just have to go do that!

Anyway, as it turns out, the phrase itself had been around in some form for many years so the writer/director of the film, Ron Shelton, was spot on the mark in the way he wrote it up and turns out everyone from Satchel Paige to Casey Stengal (both baseball legends) had used it in some form or another. My reason for mentioning it today…..rain, rain and more rain! Woke up to heavy rain on the roof (and thunder that nearly knocked me out of bed), got up to heavy rain and lightning that turned the dark skies bright, typing this now to heavy rain beats and thunder outside the window and guess what? The real storm isn’t supposed to hit until early evening! Could be in for an interesting night and definitely keeping the phone handy with it’s mobile weather app turned on (you know, just in case)!

So, somedays, like today, it rains and rains so much you can’t possibly do anything outside…what to do? The answer? Simply put, all of those things you’ve been putting off for a rainy day! In this case, reviewing some plans, planning some plans (like travel), making some music (for today, thinking music video’s to accompany the music), and the dreaded, clearing the “inbox” out. Good times indeed!

I suppose with all of the drought action we had last year this is fairly welcome, however, I was seeing some big time buildup on certain streets earlier so any of you all out there in a similar situation today just remember the “turn around, don’t drown” phrase which is pretty much one of those “words to live by” quotes!

Time to get busy, see you next week!!


Take Me Out…..


Did That Groundhog Say……