Going, going……

Not gone! That’s right, seems Major League Baseball can’t seem to get out of it’s own way and have decided to have a little lockout and cancellation of the beginning of this season. Fan-freaking-tastic. I confess, I am a pretty big fan of the game and always look forward to this time of year with spring training and opening day and all that. I remember going to an opening day Yankee game back way back when and it actually snowed, which totally just made it that more fun and interesting (if not a little cold especially in the hand that was holding the beer)! Anyway, don’t want to harp on it but seems to me both sides (owners and players) best be extremely careful with this. Not everyone is as big a fan as I am and in a world where people aren’t exactly gun-ho over baseball as is, it would be a shame to see the game turn into a novelty thing where it is fighting it out with Curling (no disrespect to Curling intended) for viewers. Just saying.

Exciting week as we have finished and posted the new “Nothing At All” music video (check out the New Pulp page) and are well into production on two new ones! Starting to feel creative for sure!

Also, we were gifted some very nice weather this week, yes, I am back to wearing shorts! And also back to work on the Pulp Patio. It’s been a strange road to get back here (that was the last thing we were working on prior to having to have the open heart surgery) so a few moments had but overall just glad to get back at it. Of course, temps are going to drop next week so this may be short lived but take it where you can get it, right?

Anyway, heading out there now to get busy so hope you like the new video, posted a few new pics for sale and most recent Pulp Improvement pics up and running on that New Pulp page.

Cheers for now and see you next week!


Something is in the….


And Now For Something…..