Nothing Like Taking A Bite……

Out of the Big Apple! As in, New York City. As in, took a recent business trip down to the old stomping grounds (for those that don’t remember, I was born in the big city and while I didn’t really grow up there, I did move back in as soon as work opportunities allowed that to happen and I did spend a significant part of my life there developing a long list of friends, acquaintance’s, places I liked to hang out at, etc., but did indeed, eventually leave for greener pastures (literally, like for a house that had a yard with grass) and in the true end of things, that is where Pulpland all began and as they say, the rest is history.

So as it turned out, the folks that I do some consulting for wanted a bunch of us to take a look at a potential property in said mentioned NYC and so, what the hey, let’s do this! I started thinking back to the last time we might have been in NYC and near as I could figure it was 2015. Eight years ago and a galaxy (or pandemic) far, far away. Did not know what to expect nor did I know if I had even brought enough warm clothes with me just in case it was cold (side note, it was not cold and actually in the 60 degree range so not too bad for February in the big city). As it happened, I was actually within a 4 hour train ride away at the time so went ahead and took that train ride which, I must say, was pretty dang cool. It’s all assigned seating these days (which I believe, really makes things smoother, much like going to the movies and having an assigned seat, no more “free for all” seating, woo hoo)! Now I should mention, the destination on my train ticket had me going to somewhere I’d not been before (I’ve taken this ride before, back in the day) and while I knew it was going to be NYC, I had to take a little leap of faith and assume that they had opened a new train station and I did kind of recall there was work being done in the old train yard on the West side of NYC, didn’t exactly know what to expect. Well, let me tell you, the expect was freaking awesome! As it turns out, they turned the old post office on Eighth Ave. (across from Penn Station, the former and still home to trains) into the Daniel Moynihan Train Station….a must see with a fabulous food court and some extremely interesting architectural features. Trust me, this is a destination visit, please do it if you can!

And I should mention, I do currently work with some folks from back in the day so it was so hugely cool that I got to meet up with some former co-horts. Especially the ones that also used to live in the Big Apple but have also moved on at this point. Because with that, we have a shared experience and can absolutely relate. To put in short perspective, we did a bunch of “don’t miss that’s” but also did a bunch of “this still is one of the coolest places in the world” so in a nutshell, while we may have moved on, we do respect and love the Big Apple as we always have…it just might be the time where we say, “it’s a great place to visit, but I really wouldn’t want to live there”! What can I say.

If you get a chance, check out the Pulp Improvements on the New Pulp page this week, absolutely super progress on The 1800 Project, trust me!

All for now and se you next week!


It’s Just Like…..


I Just Can’t Wait…..