It’s Just Like…..

Riding a bike! Just to be honest here, I haven't ridden a bike in a good couple years but I am assuming that when and if the time comes, I’ll be up to it! Now applying that same logic to something, like, let’s say, snow skiing, well, not so positive on what that result would be. I certainly did do a bit of skiing years ago but would that be something I’d pick right back up on if attempted today? Not so sure on this. I did try water skiing a few years ago, also something that I had done many years ago quite a bit, and I was able to get up and out of the water (which is really all that counts because if you can’t do that, let’s just say, it’s fairly embarrassing. So up and out I was and I was good for a little bit but got a little cocky on the return loop (plus extremely tired in the arms and legs), went outside the wake and made a couple crisscrosses before ended up with some slack in the tow rope and realizing I was about to go for some “true” air before catapulting into the very warm and calm sea! But you know what… that was kind of fun in it’s own way and at the least brought back some fond memories.

Where am I going with this today you ask? Well, as you know, we’ve been deep into The 1800 Project and as I’ve been mentioning, this is truly a start from scratch project. We’ve got walls and structure but other than having very strong “bones” much of the 1800 project will require replacing and/or reworking, which is all good but here at the start, we didn’t have a lot of what you would call “normal” things. No running water, no heat, no bathroom, electricity on but having to run new circuits every time we want to add something that pulls a little juice, so, yes, lacking some of the basic essentials. So as we move along, every little step in the right direction is a super plus! And with that, this week’s addition of a working sink, with hot water, drain, paper towels, soap, you know, the works! Something extremely satisfying about being able to wash your hands at the end of the day (trust me, try not being able to do that for a day), another game changer. But how did we get here and the return to the “riding the bike” thing. One word….soldering! Yes, we’ve decided that all domestic water piping at The 1800 Project will be done in copper (PVC for the drains). While there are many ways to secure copper piping these days (including using glue which works just fine as long as you are below a significant amount of pressure) but, I should mention, this project has a building permit and the only acceptable form of joining copper joints here is….you got it…soldering. Something I haven’t done for a good 20 years, thus begging the question, is it just like riding a bike? Seems the answer to that question, in this case, was an astounding…yes! I am here to report that the only leaks we experienced were from threaded pipe joints which merely required some tightening. Now we did do most of our solder joints on a work table, which I suppose is a little easier than doing in place, but the point being, so far so good (you can have a look at the New Pulp page for some pics of this) and we are very confident that we’ll be able to proceed successfully form here on for the remainder of the project.

Speaking of project, time to get back out there and hit it. Doing some ceiling joist additions and other assorted tasks at the moment. Talk soon!


Did That Groundhog Say……


Nothing Like Taking A Bite……