Let the games….

Begin, of course! That’s right, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic opening ceremony went off this morning, bright and early mind you. Coverage started around 6am our time, so yes, early! Typically I’d be sitting back and drinking a beer to watch such an event, this time traded the beer for coffee and off it went. Think I like the fact that we were watching live TV, as opposed to an extended tape delay due to it being half way around the world and the need to run everything in primetime, so kudos to NBC for thinking about the fans and not the almighty advertising dollar (it will re-run in primetime so if you missed it, you’ll have another shot this evening). And yes, just the opening ceremony, but as the Games go on, and with social media being so prevalent, it will be nice to be able to actually see some events live prior to knowing the actual outcome (the spoiler alert). So again, good call NBC.

That said, not 100% sure this was a great idea as Japan is in a pretty bad way with the pandemic at the moment and the idea of bringing in thousands of potentially unvaccinated athletes from all corners of the earth (they are not required to have them) would be a little scary to any city, so fingers crossed it all goes off without a hitch. And with no fans in attendance it will definitely be a bit different but at this point, I think we can get past that fact having watched pretty much all sports go through the same at some point in the last year plus. And I must say, I am truly looking forward to it, super fan of the Olympics and when else do you get to watch such a huge variety of sporting events (still on the fence about Curling being a sport, but that is a winter event so will let it go for now). While track and field, gymnastics, swimming and the larger team sports do indeed dominate the coverage, they’ve got badminton! How can you beat that? Thinking about going out and getting me a net and gear as I write this. So, yay for the Olympics and good luck to all who are there giving it a go!

Here in Pulpland, the Pulp Game Room is officially up and running. Forgot how much I missed playing pool (and apparently also forgot how to play very well, but it’s coming back slowly)! We are continuing to add some fine details, aka furniture and wall decor, but all in all, it came out very nicely. Some update pics on the New Pulp Page. With that being near complete, back to the Pulp Patio project and re-setting all of the bricks. As it turns out, not nearly as simple as I imagined it might be (we left some brick in place so we could follow the pattern, however, seems that bricks are not completely identical and being off by even a 1/16” in one place can have lasting effects down the road). So we’ve encountered a few “pinch” points and working out how we are going to make that work. Update pics also on the New Pulp Page. Included in those pics is one of my index finger which failed to get out of the way of the mallet I was using to set the bricks in the sand. Super ouch and lessen learned (as in, please don’t do that again)!

All for now, see you next week!


Staring at the….


Everybody in the….