Everybody in the….

Well maybe not in the, how about “on the”...Pool Table! That’s right, as I write this the team from Aloha Pools and Spas (ironic that they also do pool table installs, no?) are here today reassembling the recently purchased used pool table for use in the new Pulp Game Room. Knock on wood, if all goes well we’ll be racking them up sometime this afternoon, good times indeed. While we were waiting for this day to come we did manage to get out there and do some “accessories” shopping for the rest of the room. First stop was the Twin Lakes Antique Mall where we picked up some beauties, a nice marble topped semi-circle table for under the TV (useful and space saving, double win), an old Rexall storage crate, which we’ve repurposed as a table for spare darts/drink setting/etc., a chalk board for keeping dart scores (which was actually being used to promote booth 64 at the antique mall and their current 50% off sale, shot/score got the chalk board for $12!), a classic metal Indian Motorcycle sign and a couple other nick-nacks for hanging on the walls. Also found a really cool pool cue rack on line from Pottery Barn of all places and ordered up some music related wall art from Society 6 (to be revealed once hung in place). All in all, really coming together and most recent pics are on the New Pulp page.

The Pulp Patio (leveling) Project had to be put slightly on the back burner while we shifted focus to the Game Room. I should mention that the new electric powered Sawz’all worked so well for root removals that it also cut right through two sprinkler lines that were conveniently located directly underneath one particularly large root creating a new water feature, the Pulp Geyser! While we do love a nice water spout, didn’t feel this was something we could live with long term so repairs made and back to setting bricks. Very glad I put the system through a test run prior to covering it with brick, would hate to have to do it all again (plus it tends to starve the areas it is suppose to feed when shooting straight up out of the ground)!

All for now, see you next week!


Let the games….


Tools of the…..