In it to not quite….

Win it. Win what you ask? Well just the annual Dogwood Trail Best In Show yard! All right, I don’t think they actually call in “Best In Show”, I just like that movie so much I figured I’d use it. But it is definitely supposed to be about the finest looking Dogwood Trees and the surrounding landscaping/yards in town, which yields about 8-10 showcase winners followed by an eventual champion of all (hence the Best In Show). So prep we did, weeding, mulching, mowing, some leaf pick up, etc. Bought and installed some tree “uplighting” (solar powered spot lights, very cool) cause I am pretty sure the judging happens at night and besides that, they highly encourage lighting them up so why not. And then the Dogwood Trail Week begins and we are looking good….except, yes, you guessed it, the Dogwood blooms didn’t show up! For those who don’t know, Dogwood trees produce an annual flower bloom, not unlike a Cherry tree, and they are quite spectacular to look at. Not so spectacular when they don’t bloom, just more of a tree with leaves. And that is what we have this year, Dogwood trees with leaves (okay, so there are some blooms coming in, maybe just late to the party?) As far as the contest goes, doesn’t matter if they come in now, contest winners already announced (didn’t have the heart to find out who the winners winner was). Anyway, better luck next year and according to my research, Dogwood trees can be a bit non productive if they suffer from real dry conditions the prior year (which we certainly did have) so we’ll be on the look out this year and all plans are to be in the winners circle next year!

Managed to complete two walkways this week, one with pavers and red lava rocks, one with crushed limestone and both are now much easier paths to walk trough. The limestone one leading to the Pulp Patio from the driveway (an the ability to now roll heavier items in or out, the pavers and red lava rocks path being the side of the house that was basically a constant mud slick and a great way to mess up your shoes. Got some pics on the New Pulp page so go ahead and check those out when you can.

Time to start the new upper porch/deck reclamation projects (I’ll start easing in some pics next week). Currently consists of an open deck with overhead rotten wood slats and a closed in porch/deck that needs some love. Just installed some scaffolding to prevent the unneeded fall from above and supplies ordered and arriving this coming week. Looking forward to it as we had been planning this one since last year (and then the surgery so all plans were put on hold), even have the floor tile in hand (and taking up much needed space in the garage). Floor tile for an outdoor deck you say? Yes, and I’ll be sharing the process and progress with you all as I go.

Time to get busy so we’ll see you again next week!


Rainy days and…..


You know you are no longer….