I would really like to….

Start wearing shorts again. Can someone please make that happen? That’s right, there is officially a chance that I may be tired of the cold weather already (go figure). I know it’s not likely to happen and I am certainly not complaining about it, it’s just that I’d gotten a little spoiled in Texas. You see, down in Austin, a couple cold days would soon be replaced by spring/summer days like clockwork so you never really had to dig in for the long haul of cold. And any pants wearing I was doing would immediately revert back to shorts and I was good with that. I suppose I am still just adjusting so bare with me. Anyway, if it could just snow some more I think that would completely even things out for me, haven’t been part of a really big snowstorm in years so I am ready!

Exciting news hear in Pulpland, a most endearing benefactor has recently gifted us with a wonderful collection of Ray Harm and Guy Coheleach art prints with the main purpose being to put them up for sale and share with all who may be interested….so that’s exactly what we are going to do! For those unfamiliar, these two gents are world renowned artists who specialize in extraordinary paintings of all kinds of wildlife in their natural surroundings. We are talking everything from the tiniest of birds (the Titmouse comes to mind) to the great American Bison. If it flies, crawls, sprints, trots, etc., you can bet one of these two have painted a picture of it.

Now you’ll notice I said “prints” above which is what we are specifically talking about here. As in “limited edition prints” meaning they are copies of the originals, but professionally done by the artists themselves, most hand signed and quite a few numbered (plus extremely limited in number) thus making them what you could call fairly rare. Now the more interesting thing I did come to learn was that Mr. Harm himself and his business partner way back when have actually been credited with coming up with the idea of the “limited edition print”. Prior to those days, an artist would paint a picture and then sell that one picture for whatever they could get and then move on to the next one. With the advent of the limited edition prints, the artist could now increase their market share by being exposed to a much larger audience. The limited edition not being as valuable as a single original, but the ability to sell many, many more at a lower price (remember, quantity is good), while still maintaining the artist’s control over what gets put out for sale made this a win win for Mr. Harm and apparently thousands of artist’s since then. Cheers to that!

Anyway, working on setting up a shop here on our Pulpland site that will list exclusively the new prints we will be offering for sale. Slightly different then the digital items we’ve been selling from the get go so give us a little time and we’ll make it happen (I mean, hey, there is shipping involved)!

All for now and see you next week!


Just when you thought….


And like a….