Just when you thought….

you had it figured out. Oh, how wrong you were! Do you ever get that feeling? Well, it’s happening to me here today, right now. Case in point, I was just trying to get some new pics uploaded for this week’s update and for some reason I just kept getting the “spinning wheel” on my desktop unit. Mind you, I do believe it has reached or neared its expiration point as things have really started to take exceedingly long to do (even getting on the internet can take a couple minutes) and yes, I probably should have replaced it last year but I am just extremely comfortable with it and you know that score, right? Anyway, slow as it has been, I’ve always gotten things to work. Well, today, not so much so I attempted to do the update on my fairly new laptop and things seemed to be working out just fine…..until! Yup, I had gotten all of my pictures loaded in and then began trying to upload to the website, drum roll please….nothing. Pics were in their respective folders but had not seemed to have downloaded at this point and therefore, unavailable. So I tried again on the desktop (which obviously I like using more as the bigger screen and mouse would normally speed the process up). This time I got the website open so began trying to upload the pics only to notice they were also not available at this time. Next up, try to reload them (basically replacing all of the work I had done earlier). Quick note, it is not a simple click and upload to get pics onto the site, first up, the iPhone does not take jpeg pics which are the only kinds you can upload to the site, thus you have to open them up in Preview (I am on a Mac) first, which turns them into jpegs, then duplicate them, then annotate if needed, then move to a “flashprint” folder, then upload to the site! Anyway, when I went down the replacement path, seeing same issue as in they just won’t download to the flashpoint folder so it got me thinking. Could it be a size issue? And the answer is yes it could. Seems my laptop had converted the pics into supersize photo’s (I mean like 25MB size whereas they are normally around 1MB). Now all making sense however I am having a very hard time reverting them back to the smaller size.

And here we are. I’ll keep on it but if you don’t see any new pics today, you’ll know why. On a bright front, got heavy into some wood working projects this week (more pics I can’t seem to get loaded in at the moment) including new Pulp Pantry shelving and a new Pulp Storage Rack for those art prints that were recently gifted to us. Rack is extremely helping in the inventory process of the prints and will be something we can use for many purposes including future shop storage needs once we have run through the art prints (as in once they are sold)!

Making some new videos at the moment as well, so the green screen is back out and we are doing some experimenting. One video for the “Nothing At All” single and one for a new song we are working on called “End Song”. Stay tuned.

All righty then, back to trying to get some pictures going on the website. In closing, just wanted to say it has been a pleasure watching Tom Brady play football and wishing nothing but the best for him and his family!

See you next week.


If you love something….


I would really like to….