And Now For Something…..

Completely different! That’s right, today’s blog is coming to you from Zoe Pulp and I just wanted to say that if you haven’t visited my page just yet, not sure what’s wrong with you. I am adorable and should be the first thing you think of when it comes to Pulpland. And I know that I am pretty important just for the mere sake that my two humans pretty much do anything I want them to do for me (so there)! Anyway, I know I have been pretty quiet as of late but just wanted everyone to know that all is well on my end and I have some very exciting news. I have just started writing my autobiography, “I Am Zoe….and I am a Good Kitty” and if all goes well, I should be able to finish it up in no time at all. Provided, of course, that I get enough nap time in. Now I must admit, it’s been a little rough recently as I’ve sensed that my humans really wanted me to start waking them up earlier (I am a good alarm clock as well) so I start that process about 2am each night and keep at it till about 4am when one of them gets up and refills my food bowl (which I take to mean as they are very happy with me). Then I can at least get back down for another 5 hour nap, depending on if there is a sun patch waiting for me or not, which changes everything up in my schedule but we all adjust for a good sun patch, am I wrong? The good news is that my humans know how to move my chair to stay in the sun patch without really waking me up too badly so that goes a long way toward my deep sleep needs. Some days there is no sun patch and I get very sad (and have to sleep a little bit extra just cause I am not getting my required vitamin C and all).

Where was I? Oh yeah, my new book. Let me say just starting it has been super fun so far as I get to look at all of the pictures ever taken of me and then get to pick out the best ones to put in there. If you have looked at my page, you know I can run the full range of emotions and actions that you’d expect of any spoke’s cat, pretty much in my sleep (turns out a lot of picture are taken of me while sleeping so that’s a win win right there. Mainly I just wanted to let everyone in on a day in the life of me (okay, it will be more than one day, but you know, just something to tell you where I am coming from). I even had to remember some of the “not so good” times from my youth so yes, definitely lots of emotions to be displayed.

Think I’ll go catch a quick couple hour nap now, then back to the book. I’ll probably let my human keep you posted on how it is going, don’t want to take any time away from the nitty gritty of making this book happen (and you can only get so much done in a 3 hour awake day).

Bye for now and a new pics of me posted this week on the New Pulp page. Meow!!!


Going, going……


It ain’t easy……