Getting Busy….

Here we are, last day of April, 2021. As covered in last week’s blog, we have relocated to a new (old) house in Western Kentucky and we are full into upgrades and renovations to make it the new “Pulpland”! Believe I forgot to mention that the new place was once upon a time an actual log cabin (which is way cool). Apparently, it has been through a few expansions, at least two as far as I can figure, and while no longer appears as a log cabin from the outside, remnants from the original structure are still in place and make up the “backbone” of much of the structure. One good crawl through the “attic” space and the first thing you see are the logs on the outer walls, clear as day and quite the sight indeed!

So getting busy, we are! While we tend to do so many things ourselves, in the essence of time and general lack of experience with certain things (aka, hardwood flooring installation) we have brought in some contractors to help out in the process. As one could imagine, with multiple trades working, we are awash in drop cloths and protection paper, but each day brings on more and more progress and it is so very exciting to see rooms completely taking on a new and improved look. And yes, not shying away from the hard stuff either, moving on to my second room of LVT flooring install, setting up and organizing the full on work shop, near complete on the new Pulpland recording studio/office and we are patching/painting away (with some help on a couple of the larger/taller rooms). Part of the plan is to get as much done as possible before some new furniture arrives but as it turns out, the pandemic has helped out on that end, things that you would normally get in a couple weeks are now taking months to deliver. Seems to be a combination effect of everyone taking advantage of their “stay at home” time and a lack of production/transportation, due to the “stay at home” time. Quite the conundrum, but just an FYI in case you are thinking it’s a good time for a home makeover!

Speaking of the pandemic, we are happy to announce that Pulpland received their 2nd doses of vaccines the other day and quickly counting down to the full on effectiveness to kick in. It was mentioned that 2nd dose might have a little bite to it, and it did, the day after was a little rough but knock on wood, that went away just like they said it would. Very much looking forward to potentially going to a restaurant for a sit down dinner (it sure has been awhile)!

Back to work and see you next week!


Is it Friday yet….


Moving On Up….