Did I…..

Write the wrong year down again? Distinct possibility. I tend to be on the one month adjustment curve when it comes to remembering to put down the new year on anything that needs to be dated. Typically, this used to be on checks and the monthly bills but seems these days, just not sending out too many of those as most have gone to on-line payment acceptance. Which is probably a good thing as I have heard that check fraud/theft is a real thing and best to avoid if absolutely possible. Then again, smaller businesses (aka, the folks that mow the lawn, the contractor that does half of what you hired him to do, the local designers that charge a lot but don’t want to pay the credit card fee), well, they’ll gladly take the checks and since we have been dealing with those particular folks here in new Pulpland of late, more checks going out than normal so expect I’ll be making a few “ones” look like “two’s” if you get what I am saying. New Year’s resolution…Do It Yourself (if at all possible, at least that’s my plan)!

And yes, here we are in the first week 0f 2022. New daily records for Covid cases (by a landslide), lots of folks unable to work (thus the travel problems, the school issues, the delays in general) and hospitalizations once again on the rise. To put it bluntly, seems 2021 was just as much as a train wreck as 2020 was and we are off and running for a three-peat. Not exactly how I envisioned it after having the hopes go up on a couple occasions with the “we’re getting back to normal” declarations from pretty much everyone. Almost thinking that we need to go to the “chicken pox” method of procedure whereas we just get everyone exposed to it now and let the chips fall where they fall as it doesn’t seem like we are going to win this battle doing things the way we have been doing them. Anyway, just a thought.

Feeling good and glad to be back to “close to norm” here in new Pulpland. We got a few inches of snow yesterday and actually spent about 3 plus hours shoveling driveways, which, as you know, is quite strenuous. A bit sore today, but in a good way, and clearly not something I could have done even a mere short two months ago so, yes, feeling good! Looking back on last year when the Doctor said I had about 3 months to live if my condition, at the time, went unchecked, I’d dare say that 2022 is clearly going to be a positive year (Covid aside and you know, cause, like I am actually here for it)! And while it would be so very nice to be back to “real” normal, thinking right now, I would just like to go see a movie in a movie theater, have some popcorn and take in the big screen, so keeping that on my short list of “what can I do now to help me remember how things used to be” items and something that would pretty much refresh me for a few months with ease (what can I say, I am fairly easy to please). Movie better not suck!

Playing guitar, still getting the voice back (strange how heart surgery takes a toll on that), slapping up wall tile, replacing outlets, mixing up grout, etc., etc., back in the swing. I would really like to get out there and finish up the Pulp Patio but the snow and cold say not now. Will keep to the indoor projects, including Pulpmuzic. Some new pics for sale and some recent Pulp Improvements on the New Pulp page.

All for now and see you next week!!


Call it….


Geez, seems like it was just…