Geez, seems like it was just…

Just the end of 2020, which I am sure you all will agree was something we were all looking forward to. And now saying goodbye to 2021, well, wait a second, it’s exactly the same! Nearly two years of this pandemic and at least we know now, it’s probably not going away for sometime. Which, in a way, makes it slightly easier to deal with than last year, mostly in that we kind of know what to expect and how to best go about business as part of the new normal, aka, acceptance.

Summing up the year here in Pulpland, we’ve had just about a little taste of everything. Started out in Texas and getting through “the big freeze” in February, moving to new Kentucky Pulpland in March (complete with 15 hours of a very upset Ms. Zoe in the back seat), renovations and upgrades galore, major heart surgery in August, extended recovery/rehab from that same surgery, back to renovations and upgrades (more Pulp Improvement pics on New Pulp page this week), Christmas and holidays with family for a change…

Yes, quite the year and with that, we can only hope for a new year of more good things, less bad things and at the very least, more calm cause we certainly will not be moving again anytime in the near future!!

So with that, I would just like to wish you all a very Happy and Safe New Year, may the best be with you!


Did I…..


It’s beginning to look a lot like…