Call it….

What you will but there is the distinct possibility that I am once again getting “used to” the cold. Now I am not even sure if I used “used to” properly in the last sentence but I do know that after seven years in Texas I had become a firm believer in warm weather. Year round warm weather that is! Yes, I finally understood why so many folks move to Florida to retire or have winter homes, true hatred of cold! And while Texas is not exactly Florida, Austin definitely stays on the warm side of things (whereas some parts of North Texas are absolutely frigid at times, hey, it’s a big freaking State)! Now, mind you, I was born and raised in New York and spent many, many years there so no stranger at all to the cold so prior to the move to Texas, I had my misgivings about it being too warm….well, let’s just say that went out the window. Something about grilling up in January and wearing shorts just totally won me over. I suppose when you are not aware of other situations, you just don’t know how you’ll feel about them for sure. And so it was for me.

Flash forward and back to last February in Texas, the “big freeze” and the cold re-introduction to just that…the cold! Now I am not saying you don’t get a few cold days in Austin each year, but they were for sure only a few and typically followed by a quick warming trend so you’d almost think of that as refreshing. The “big freeze” however, was none of that. It was miserably cold and so extremely bad for so many due to Texas officials not really planning for an extended cold spell ever (even though they had occurred in the past and full well knowing they were un-equipped for it) and anyway, just like that, seven years of feeling relatively warm were quickly gone for me. If I am not mistaken, I believe I ended up wearing long pants for at least nine days in a row (while this may not seem like anything to anyone, it was huge in my eyes and something that I had not had to do for the seven years we had been there). So good time to move, right?

Right! Here we are in Kentucky and its winter and I am wearing long pants and I am okay with that. I had forgotten that they do come in handy when you are doing a lot of Pulp Improvement projects, especially when going low and working on your knees. Your legs don’t get dirty and I don’t have to completely spray up with sunscreen as I would on a normal basis (had a couple skin issues due to having spent so many years out in the sun, nothing new in the last few years). Now if they only made pants that had as many pockets as my cargo shorts (all right, I know they do, just let me get used to wearing Levi’s again first)!

Pulpland in full remodel catch up mode. We were installing wall tile in the master bath this week till we ran out (new box on order). New tile did come in for the Pulp Kitchen so remaining wall there is now complete and awaiting this weekends grout application. Big snow storm that was supposed to hit this weekend appears to be drifting south now, which leaves me a bit disappointed as I have come to terms with the cold, was looking forward to seeing some more snow. Guessing more on the way at some point so I’ll stand by and when it happens, it happens. I did receive some new grill burner parts (seems I use it so much I have literally burned a few holes in some crucial areas) so going to take advantage of the fairly nice weather and get that all fixed up.

All for now, see you next week!


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Did I…..