Berries, Berries and more Berries…

Seems to have been a banner year for crops here in Pulpland. The two pecan trees have provided some very nice servings of fresh nuts (albeit, cracking pecans is quite the task and rather time consuming). Our small herb/veggie garden had a nice output of peppers, tomatoes, mint and fresh basil, all put to good use. And then there are the two berry trees. Believe them to be Buttonbush Trees (and I could be completely wrong on that one) and they are just chock full of what resemble small blueberries. No clue if they are edible by humans, but I do know who does not have a problem eating them….the birds! I’m talking birds by the hundreds. Every day. We’ve got Robins, Cedar Waxwings, Doves, Blue Jays, and more, in huge flocks, constantly in motion and at times, a bit dizzying. And you know what else we’ve got? Bird berry poop and lots of it! Everywhere. They even got me the other day! It’s been quite the effort doing the requisite clean up, but for sure, good times watching all of the action in what surely has to be a sign of Spring on the horizon.

Elsewhere in Pulpland, we’ve finished up our first photo book, “Pulp Wildlife” and are patiently awaiting our account with Apple Books to be verified so we can proceed with putting it out there. Stay tuned. Pulpmuzic keeping busy with finishing up a few new tracks and hope to have available soon!

We had a very springlike week weather wise here so taking advantage of that to do some outdoor clean up (plus the bird poop). Potential for a multi-day freeze next week (not looking forward to that at all) and gearing up for freeze protection mode if necessary.

All for now, see you next week!


Here We Go Again….


The Wolf Moon….