A place called…..

Home! And in this case, also known as Pulpland, and yes, nice to be back on the air. Why might I be saying this? Well, we just returned from this thing know as “traveling”. I do seem to remember having done it before, but not for quite some time, so indeed it did feel a bit strange and awkward and new all at the same time. First up, we’ve been in this pandemic thing for the last couple years so that has certainly put the kabash on what used to be at least a couple times of year thing. Second, after you spend so much time away from crowds and others, you sort of get in a groove and come to accept that as the norm. So going on that first trip complete with air travel, well let me just say, not for the weak of heart!

It was time, however, to try to get back in the game and begin doing some of the things we used to do pre-pandemic, so when the opportunity to go on a family vacation that’s been cancelled the past two years due to you know what came up, Pulpland says it is time to go. In this case it was to a beach location in Florida, perfect time of year and just an FYI, I pretty much grew up around water and boats so it does tend to be a place that I gravitate to (okay, not extremely fond of just laying around on a beach getting tan, let’s just say I’m more into the “beach life” if you will, and all things that don’t involve having to wear long pants and a jacket)!

This being a family trip, it involved different members coming from different locations as not all live in the same area. It also invoked different modes with one group driving (its a 16 hour drive) and three groups flying. Bet you can guess who got there first. If you guessed the car, you’d be a winner. My group was flying from Nashville to Miami (a mere two hour flight). We arrived at the airport at 4am, two hours ahead of departure. This was a good thing. At 4am on a Saturday morning, the airport was a hot mess. People everywhere, lines upon lines that crossed over between airlines and of course, the important people, who aren’t privileged airline fliers but who just don’t believe they should be waiting in line and spend most of their time trying to cut forward of everyone they can. Oddly enough, we did eventually get to the check in and had a little time to spare before our flight took off (on time mind you). So okay there, right?

Wrong. Prior to heading to the airport we got a call from another member of the family who was leaving from Boston. His direct flight that was to arrive in Miami about the same time as ours had been cancelled. We had booked it for him so immediately began trying to find another one. Only one that seemed to work out was now a one stop flight (Philadelphia) with a 4 hour layover. Still, that would get him there that day so book away we did. We took off thinking all was well and would arrange some kind of car service for him once on the ground. Another update came in, plane to Philly was delayed but hell, there was the layover so no problem, still had the 4 hours. We landed on time in Miami, grabbed the rental car and began the ride to our destination, phone in hand and working on that car service. Another notice about a delay on the Philly flight, but still good. And yes, found a car service and got that set up, we were looking good. New notice, plane to Philadelphia cancelled, not good. They did send us a note saying the plane from Philly to Miami was on time (not helpful at all). I guess I should have mentioned earlier that a call to the airlines basically gets you the computer that says to leave your number, they’ll call back within 8 hours (also not helpful). So we called them again, and to our surprise, they called back in under two hours ( I should also mention that our family member has now been at the airport since 4:30am, it’s now 1:30pm). Seems nothing they could do for him this day but did get him all set up on the next days flight leaving the same time as the original flight from day one and all looked good. He’d miss the first days activities but the new flight had him arriving early enough to make a good go of this (I should also mention that he was only going to be there for a couple days due to work requirements). Middle of the night, new message, flight cancelled. Trip called off for him on account of no time to actually get there and enjoy (plus who wants to waste another half day at the airport and not go anywhere).

A third party, also leaving from Nashville, had their flight delayed by 6 hours but did eventually arrive on day 1 so that worked out. Their return trip of course was cancelled and they spent an entire day trying to get home from a place that is only a few hours away if things work out. They made it, late but safe. The first ones to arrive, again, drove the car!

So not here to tell anyone not to attempt to travel and not to attempt to fly, just saying, things are not exactly back to normal just yet so keep those expectations low. Or take your car!!!



You know you are no longer….


Just another truck load…..