Where are my….

Warm clothes? Seems we are about to get a taste of fall this weekend and I am reminded, once again, that when it comes to warm clothing, I am a bit on the short end of the stick! Seven plus years in Texas will do that to you. It became painfully obvious when we had to suffer through the big freeze there earlier this year. When you really don’t have warm clothing, the only thing you can do is layer up, which sounds pretty good, however, and depending totally on how cold it actually gets, can be time consuming as you go from temp zone to temp zone. Especially not practical if you are going outside a lot to get things to bring inside (like say when you have a garage that has an outside entrance, like we do). Lots of putting on/taking off/putting on/taking off unless you just want to suck it up and go for it, be cold or be hot. Perhaps it might be a good time to go shopping for some appropriate wear?

Anyway, doing good here and just finished up week 9 on the post surgery trail. Had a brain MRI yesterday, apparently it’s still there (and no abnormalities present at this time). All and all, feeling pretty good and starting to get busy with some “light duty” Pulp Improvements. Having a grand time figuring out what does what on the HVAC system front, including getting an old school radiant heat system back on line. Still have no kitchen so making do with the grill and things that can be done in the toaster oven, however, some friends were very kind enough to send a get well soon gift certificate to the “Fresh Foodies” folks here in town and will be heading their way today to see what is on the menu!

Keeping it short this week so I can get back at it. See you next Friday!


Think I’m getting the….


The Sound(s) of….