The Sound(s) of….

Pretty much anything but Silence! And yes, I am using the Simon and Garfunkel song as a little play on words here. Interestingly (at least to me) enough, seems the song itself actually goes by two names, thus the parenthesis around the “s” above. As the actual title had kind of escaped me in the moment I did a little web search and was a bit surprised to find out that the original version of the song was indeed titled “The Sounds of Silence” and (bet you didn’t know this), was a complete flop at the time when first released. It flopped so bad that Simon and Garfunkel actually disbanded and went their own separate ways. Sometime later, however, the song, unbeknownst to the Simon and Garfunkel, was remixed and re-released to what was apparently a growing audience of radio listeners who actually very much liked the song. The remixed version got on the Billboard charts, Simon and Garfunkel reunited, a new album was put out (guess what, they called it “Sounds of Silence”, go figure!) and the duo were on their way once again. Later featured in “The Graduate” and what else can you say, time to do “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and cement their place in history. Of course, when it was later time to start releasing greatest hits albums, the record company changed the name of the song to “The Sound of Silence” to make it essentially easier on everyone to remember and/or save on time/ink/thought processes (I just don’t know, your guess is as good as mine). Point being, yes, the same song actually had two names!

So back to the “anything but silence” comment from before. Here at Pulpland, we are going through a little bit of remodeling (by others), mainly the master bathroom and the kitchen. The thought was that we’d be speeding things up by using a contractor. That thought was sadly mistaken and currently in the midst of the kitchen demo so nothing but sledge hammers and “The Sound of Broken Floor Tile and Cabinets” going on. The Pulp Studio is directly below so you can imagine the fun I am having. Had three tambourines come flying off the wall yesterday due to the heavy vibrations of falling cabinets, luckily no casualties to any of the instruments. If you’ve not seen the movie, “The Money Pit”, suggest you give it a watch prior to your next home renovation. Very much what seems to be going on here and not exactly having the time of my life. In hindsight and going forward, plan to handle any and all work personally. Already gearing up for doing things that were on the list but are never going to get done in the allotted time (which is already too long as far as I am concerned)! Anyway, Doc should be giving me full clearance to get back to regular activities in another month or so and can’t wait to be swinging that hammer again.

On a sad note, my New York Yankees have once again, let me down in the playoffs (one and done loss to the Red Sox). As you may recall, I did mention that I was originally from NYC and not just some fly by night fan. You may also recall that I admitted to being a Jet’s (football) fan so I certainly am not jumping on anyones bandwagon, however, since last Yankees World Series victory was back in 2009, maybe you can start feeling a little sorry for me? I won’t even mention the Jet’s thing.

Getting noisy down here so heading outside for some peace and quiet. See you all next week!


Where are my….


Oops, I did it…..