What did I do with my….

Pants? That’s right, I said pants. Don’t get me wrong, I am wearing shorts at the moment so not running around half naked or anything but it apparently has turned to that time of year where one tends to wear pants instead of shorts. Reason being you ask? Well, that’s correct, it got freaking cold out!! Which is a bit of a dilemma for me as I really don’t like wearing pants. I’ve also just spent 7 1/2 years in Texas where pants wearing is pretty much optional if you can get away with it (as in you are allowed to wear shorts to work, not attending a wedding or a funeral, etc.) As it turns out, I did indeed get very used to wearing cargo shorts all of the time and now find it completely restricting to wearing full length pants. Plus, I did mention the cargo shorts thing which I find absolutely essential as the extra pockets tend to solve most carrying of items issues that come up (sure beats a fanny pack)!

So suffice it to say, its dropped into the 30’s each overnight for the past couple days and that is where the switch kind of kicks in for me as far as it being cold. On a bright note, it has been warming back up to at least mid 50’s during the day so we/re not completely in frost territory just yet…but it’s coming and at some point it does mean it will be time to start wearing pants again. All I can say was that it was a good run there for awhile and I’ll see what my tolerance can get away with but it’s still inevitable, pants are coming. Time to find them!!

All else good in Pulpland, winding down outside contractor help with our kitchen and bath remodels and gearing up to complete them personally. It’s nice to be feeling like I can do that stuff again. Hard to believe a little over two months ago I could barely stand on my own but this new heart valve is working wonders so knock on wood, we should to go for a long time. Even did some recording yesterday in the Pulp Studio so feeling good there as well.

In a nutshell, we’re back (well almost, two more weeks till we can really swing that mallet)! All things Pulp to gear up shortly so stay tuned and thanks for the support through all of this. Cheers and see you next week!


Tick, tick, tick…..


To trick or to…..