To trick or to…..

Treat? Well, it is that time of year again and the big question, will we actually get trick or treaters this year? Obviously, last year was a bust and if it weren’t for some very recent “better” news on the Covid front, this year would have been one as well. But folks are tired of seclusion and one look at the stands at football games and it becomes pretty clear that everyone is pretty much done with this thing. Our question, however, goes deeper. You see in Texas, while we lived in a neighborhood that seemingly looked like it would be a popular Halloween stop on most kids lists, the nearby school would host its own large gathering, complete with candy and free entertainment for all and that just must have been more than anyone ever needed as we rarely got any knocks on our door, and the ones we did seemed to be older kids who just needed an excuse to get out of the house. Results being, lots of leftover candy that went untouched (we prefer cookies)!

So having just moved to the new Pulpland, what will this years results be? I did pick up a large bag of assorted candy bars (and we have young relatives nearby now so plan to donate any leftovers to them) just and case and now we wait and see. We live on a street where no one really walks (no sidewalks) and traffic goes by at a fairly good clip, so I don’t believe we’ll have any visitors, but you never know and time will tell.

Just finished Week 10 in the post surgery rehab race (and Week 4 complete at the cardio rehab center). Still improving day to day (except the eye) and getting back to doing things on a more normal basis. My power tools were very glad to see a lot of me this week and knock on wood, no injuries to report as I get back in the swing of things (guitar is always happy to see me)!

Happy Halloween y’all, be safe out there and see you next week!!


What did I do with my….


Think I’m getting the….