Reach For The Sky…

So we’ve quite often mentioned the new song we are working on…yes that one, “Reach For the Sky”, and today I just wanted to talk about that a little. Quick update, no it is not ready yet, it is definitely one of those “it’s done when it’s done” projects but I promise it will be worth the wait! Anyway, here’s the back story:

Time travel back to last summer (2020). Pandemic in full swing, lockdowns in effect pretty much everywhere, masks had become a normal part of your daily wardrobe if, in fact, you did venture out for the basic needs. BLM movement and protests going on in most major cities throughout the country. An extremely heated election was coming up and I just couldn’t help feeling that this was a monumental moment in time that was going to last forever in most people’s minds. And, oh yeah, I had also recently left my day job of the past 15 years (which actually seemed like pretty good timing as the pandemic was continuing to gain strength). So, what a good time to catch up on those home projects (that’s when the Pulp Greenhouse project came to full fruition) and also a good time to start playing guitar again, which, unfortunately, I had extremely neglected for not really sure how long. Once the fingers had stopped bleeding and I had gotten back to at least playing as well as I ever had (which, mind you, isn’t that great), started feeling the need to write a song that reflected what I was feeling through all of this.

Now I am sure that there are a thousand different approaches to writing a new song, be it music first, words in your head that you want to put to music, a catchy riff that you had come up with, etc, and I have used all of those and many more but, in this case, my intent was two fold. One, I wanted to write something that I felt was inspirational and current to the times, and two, I wanted it to sound like one of those big movie theme songs (picture Celine Dion or Whitney belting it out). First problem, I have never written that kind of song before and while, yes, I have had songs in several documentaries, they typically have a darker tone to them (just find that stuff easier to write about) and no, none were of the big movie theme song ilk. So, to start this one off, decided to come up with a phrase first, that I could put to music and then have the song build itself around that. “Reach For the Sky” kind of kept repeating itself in to my head and I thought that might be cool as it can be a very inspirational phrase, but can also be something you say when robbing a bank, a dual purpose phrase if you will. We were off and running from there with what became known as “the Disney Song” for short.

Next up, the big chorus hook that becomes the counterpoint of the song. Had a few ideas and came up with a 3 chord progression that had some power to it and then repeated that 3 times and ending with the 2nd chord that would then make a nice transition into our verse. Verse music followed, which was a descending progression thing starting with the first note of the chorus, throwing in a minor chord to give it a little sadness, but then ending strong on a nice plain E chord. Threw in a bridge and we now had all of our music laid out.

Words followed and again, wanted to make it about current times and the need for change while still remembering the ones we are with and who we love and how it is okay to change while not forgetting those things that mean the most to us. And that, my friends, is the story of “Reach For the Sky”. Words are below, hope you enjoy. Cheers for now and see you next week!

Reach For The Sky

Remember when, life was a photograph

So many years ago

Back then the fires passed, we just spoke and laughed

So the story goes

Reach for the sky

Tell the one you’re with that you love them

Reach for the sky

Fall in love when you think that you might win

Reach for the sky

Put your hands up high in the crosswind

Reach for the sky

Now hit the pause, rewind and change the course

To another dream

It’s time we all, stand up and take the call

This is all we need

Reach for the sky

Tell the one you’re with that you love them

Reach for the sky

Fall in love when you think that you might win

Reach for the sky

Put your hands up high in the crosswind

Reach for the sky

When all you’re looking for 

Is everything you’ve seen before

And all the colors are the same

Take down that photograph

Your love was built to last

Imagine thoughts, turn into true rewards

Like the perfect play

Deep breath and take a step, look at that photograph

Change is on the way 

Reach for the sky

Tell the one you’re with that you love them

Reach for the sky

Fall in love when you think that you might win

Reach for the sky

Put your hands up high in the crosswind

Reach for the sky


Another Brick in the…..


Hazy, Hot and…..