Everything old is…..

New again! And I mean that sincerely. Doesn’t seem to matter what the subject matter is, in the end, what goes around, comes around. And I think that can be a pretty cool thing sort of in the same vein as the saying, “even a broken clock is right twice a day”, truly one of my favorites. Where am I going with this, well, the answer is, a few places. For one, going to see the new Avatar movie tomorrow, and very much looking forward to it. But I have questions! Watched the original last weekend, you know, to freshen up, and one thing for sure is, a couple of the main players did not survive that round. Yet, here they are in the credits for the new one so guessing they are in it and how does that happen? And then there is the original which came out in 2009, it’s now 13 years later….how did that happen (and by that I mean, doesn’t it feel like that original was more like 20 years ago and regardless, how did those years go by so freakin fast?)

And then there is music. I am open and like a lot of music but deep down I’ll always be a rock and roll guy, the music I make is pretty much all in that genre. But one look at the music charts and even just watching musical guests featured on TV shows and what not, rock and roll not exactly at the forefront. However, they just released the biggest selling concert performance numbers for the year and guess who was Number 1? None other than Sir Elton John, very much a rock and roller (although I am still on the fence for that “I’m Still Standing” song, not a fan)! What goes around comes around, right?

Anyway, that all being said, this week we decided to go that route on our New Pulp page featured Pulp Improvements and are starting a new series about the construction of the Pulp Greenhouse in old Pulpland. Seemed a good time for it as we are heading into the winter season and conditions are limiting our outdoor work of late. It was always in my plans to break that project down in more depth than the video we put out and really get into the ways and means that brought us from start to finish, so that is what we are doing, hope you enjoy.

Speaking of video, nearly have the making of the “Pulp Deck” complete which, if I haven’t mentioned it already, is backed by a new John Pulp work in progress, “Friday”. Stay tuned!

All for now and see you next week.


When is a ball not….


Coming up on……