All the leaves are brown….

And about three quarters of them were on the ground! Seems things had conspired against us a bit this year on trying to remove said leaves, first up was the plan to mulch most of them as advised on the “Today” show. That was going great until Kobie (the riding lawnmower) started smoking, caught fire and well, let’s just say, it could have been worse. A couple cables got torched and, of course, they were the ones that allowed Kobie to engage the mower blades which, in essence, threw that plan out the window. Kobie now at the repair shop awaiting parts (mind you, I was hoping to repair here but could not source the main cable that I needed, thus the repair shop). The second plan was to let the yard crew (yes, we do use a lawn mowing service, they really do a great job in about of a quarter of the time it would take me to complete, i.e., sometimes your time is best spent elsewhere) do a complete downed leaf removal, but this was put on hold due to the large broken tree limb (remember the honey bee hive story from a few weeks ago?) that remained precariously still sort of wedged up in the tree (it was actually a bigger section then what had fallen with the bees in it) looking as if it might fall at any time and suffice it to say, we weren’t going to put the yard crew in any situation where this might happen, so this plan, too, out the window for a bit. Flash forward a couple weeks and a few more thousands of downed leaves and here comes the tree service crew who made quick work of that dangling tree limb and now we just need the lawn team.

But last week was Thanksgiving, not sure what the lawn teams schedule looks like, and Thanksgiving Day weekend is our traditional time to put up the outside holiday blow ups and lights so what were we going to do? Forge ahead with the decorations, of course, as it was, and as I like to refer to as, “go time”. So got the blower out and pretty much moved the leaves away from the areas that I was planning to concentrate the Xmas blow up gang of which we have about 9 or 10 of them in various sizes including one very large waving Santa (the kiddo’s love that one) that actually needed a surgical “patch” this year due to getting launched about during a pretty mean wind storm last year and then landing on a pointy broken tree branch, but he’s all good now, patch worked. Anyway, as it turns out, just blowing the leaves out of this concentrated area created quite the large pile which I kind of felt bad about (you know, neighbors might think we were being lazy or something, which we certainly were not) but which I knew would be dealt with in fairly short order so I just held my breath and dealt with the immediate concern at hand (the actual holiday decorations). And then, bright and early on Monday morning….the Christmas magic set in and I could hear the sound of multiple leaf blowers singing in unison. I looked outside, and yes, the lawn team had arrived and they were our lawn team, as in, not the neighbors team, who sound identical so always best to confirm with a visual. Oh joy, indeed!

I did end up making a run to the Depot for a few more string lights, seems two sets that I had were not longer doing their thing. Have you all had a go at trying to repair current LED holiday string lights of late? Basically you are supposed to look for a bad light (they all look exactly the same) or replace them one at a time until you find a bad light, got about 10 minutes into that and realized I’d be at it all afternoon, so, to the Depot I went! I kind of remember it as being easier years ago but whatever, the lights are looking good now.

Just launched a revised video version of “Nothing at All” on YouTube and Facebook (on the Pulpmuzic page) and here on our New Pulp and Goatclothes Production pages. Check it out if you get a chance, thinking the effects on this one are working better than the old ones at least as far as the uploading to those services goes (it looks really good on my computer)! Also just loaded one of our Pulp Pics “Farm” series of pictures on to my phone as the background wallpaper, well what do you know, it looks really cool, so just saying you might like to give that a go!

All for now so see you next week!


Coming up on……


Looks like I ……..