Where did……

July 2022 go? And for that matter, where did summer 2022 go? They started talking about kids going back to school this week, which sort of freaks me out, the main reason being that where I grew up, summer recess always included July and August (with a tad of June thrown in) and school pretty much started up again after Labor Day, which, in essence, is pretty much considered the “summer” season so when kids are going back in August, well, it just never seemed right. Yes, I get the fact that their school year ends much earlier but that does not make it better with me. I suppose that being of school age back then, you know, the formative years, may have a lot to do with why I can’t seem to fathom this. And when I really think about it, why would you send kids back to school in August, traditionally one of the hottest months of the year, requiring schools to be cranking out air conditioning, one of the most expensive things you can be doing, especially in larger facilities like maybe….schools? For that matter, where did pleasant summertime weather go? I kind of recall that we tended to get one hot month and one not so bad month each summer season. Not anymore. I am going through at least two outfits a day whenever I am working outside and this has nothing to do with fashion or my sense of style, it’s all about sweat. To the bone sweat, as in, able to wring my t-shirt and partially fill a glass sweat, you know what I’m saying? Which makes me think, if it is this hot (due to carbon emissions and climate change) and I am sweating so much, why are we not doing everything in our power to harness the tremendous power of the sun? Sure we have solar panels and they are doing their thing in small doses but what if we got bolder and really cranked it up a notch? I mean miles and miles of solar panels, solar farms, cars with solar panels on top, you name it. As long as they keep improving on storage batteries and cells, I mean, literally no stopping it. Until, of course, the sun explodes, which tends to happen eventually, but not for a very, very long time later (and one of my favorite sayings, “not in our lifetimes”). What say thee all?

Keeping busy here in Pulpland and just started on a new project, the Pulp Farmhouse, which is exactly what it sounds like, a little brick house on an actual farm. And it needs a facelift (or two, or maybe even three). First things first, we had to start with a major clean up of the inside and outside areas, pics of that are on the New Pulp page. With dumpster in hand, we have been going at it for the past two weeks. Next up will be interior design discussion and then we can start getting busy. Also started (barely) on the Pulp Porch project, of which, I believe I now have a plan and will look to complete a sample section in the next couple days to see if my thinking can actually be done (always the hardest part of the project)!

Piecing together a video of the Pulp Patio project, so far so good and this one will feature the new, work in progress, John Pulp song “Friday” which is coming along very nicely. Probably need a couple more pictures and some video shorts to make it all work so stay tuned for that one!

Heading out to sweat some more so you all enjoy and I’ll see you next week!


I can’t believe it has….


Don’t get me wrong but….