Texas Snow

Guess what…it actually did snow here in Pulpland this past Sunday! Now I realize Texas is a big state and northern parts of it are often faced with extreme cold and plenty of snow. But we are in Central Texas where the average temp this time of year is 60 degrees during the day. As we mentioned in last week’s blog, we were prepping for a quick overnight freeze or two, in full plant protection mode and had that potential of snow in the forecast, but the snow thing is usually just the kind of event that gets weather forecasters all giddy and then just doesn’t happen. This time it did (first measurable snow since 2017). Made for quite the fun Sunday and it seemed to bring a lot of joy to all around here! Posted a few pics of it on the New Pulp page (I know, doesn’t seem like much but its all relative to where you are at the time). FYI, it was 70 degrees yesterday so the rollercoaster weather ride is still going strong.

Busy week in Pulpland and for Pulpmuzic. Put the finishing touches on the new John Pulp single, “Nothing At All”, and will be doing a soft release of it next week while we get busy making a video for the full launch. For a quick listen, check out our first promotional ad for the Pulpland website (on both the New Pulp and Goatclothes Productions pages). Ad is currently running on Facebook and Instagram. Still haven’t nailed those vocals on the “Reach” project but getting oh so close!

One of my favorite photo subjects, Hootie (the Barred Owl), has taken up seasonal residence in an old, dead half tree here making for some great daily pics and some serious chatter between the two of us. My Hoot Owl hoots leave a bit to be desired, but Hootie puts up with me regardless (mainly for the music I play on the outdoor sound system, Hootie loves a good tune)! Also, managed to get a little video of Hootie in full Hoot mode the other day so check that out as well, quite entertaining!

On another bright note, we are about three quarters of the way through finishing our first book, “Pulp Wildlife…Pics from in and around one yard in Central Texas” which features many of the current gallery of photo’s on our Wildlife page, broken down by a basic semblance of categories (I took some liberties with that)!

Time to get back to the recording studio, see you next week!


It’s the Little Things…


It’s Winter…even in Texas