Some days it rains and somedays….

It snows! As in, it actually did snow last weekend here in Pulpland, albeit only about two inches but c’mon now, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet. And as it turns out, it was the third earliest day of measurable snowfall here since they started measuring these things so surely not the norm. Or is it a sign of things to come? Time will tell I suppose but as I write this, forecasters are calling for a possible 5 feet of snow in Buffalo over the next couple days which has prompted the Buffalo Bills to move their Sunday football game with the Cleveland Browns to a neutral site, Detroit (its a dome so any potential snow there shouldn’t be a problem) which I am not convinced is really “neutral” as I would have to think is a little more leaning toward Cleveland just as a proximity thing, right? I mean, as the crow flies Buffalo probably isn’t all that far from Detroit but I just would never associate football fans in that part of the country having any love at all for the Bills, but who knows. I mean, I am not even sure how this all works out logistically as you have what would have been a home team (Buffalo) with home fans that have bought tickets to see their team play in their home stadium (they call them the “Bill’s Mafia” just so you know) and now the game will be in Detroit where I assume they will still be the “home” team but not really as it most likely be the Detroit Lions organization handling sales of tickets to this game and with the storm and all, how many Bill’s fans would be able to get to Detroit to see the game, so it will actually be area fans and I would guess Cleveland Brown fans that make up the majority of the in-stadium crowd pretty much making this not a home game at all for the Bills. My point being, you ask? It’s this, snow can be a very powerful thing!

Especially a lot of snow (and I think we can go ahead and consider 5 feet of snow a lot of snow) but even a little bit can reek some havoc. The obvious being slick roads and potential vehicle accidents but then there is the one I am hearing specifically related to the potential 5 feet in Buffalo and that is to make sure you get that snow off of your roof (if you have one) as soon as possible as the shear weight of that much snow can cause significant damage to said roof. Which really does make a lot of sense when you think about it but then I start thinking about how one is supposed to actually do something about that, and that’s when I start thinking about all of the things that could go wrong with this endeavor. Think about it, its hard enough being on a roof when it is clear and dry with the angles and all and it is similarly hard hand shoveling a couple feet of snow in your own driveway, so how does that all work when you combine them? Now don’t forget, it’s still snowing as well, so you are semi-blinded on a slanted roof with a shovel and everything is this big field of white wherever you look and the only thought going through your mind is that the whole roof may cave in with you on top of it if you don’t start getting some of this snow off of here right away so time is of the essence and come to think about it, it’s pretty dang cold up here as well! If this is not a case of a problem getting ready to happen, I don’t know what is. So, fingers crossed, you all be safe out there, remember, snow is powerful!

That all said, our little two inches of snow also brought in a pretty mean cold front which is only slightly worse that a 35 degree constant rain fall as the frigid temps at night kept that little bit of snow around for a few days while the above freezing day time temps let it all melt slowly leaving a fairly soggy mess for a lot of the week and putting a damper on our outdoor projects for the time being. In true fashion, and the new norm, temps back to seasonable if not above average next week (did I mention that it was 75 degrees two days before the snowfall?) so plan to be back outside soon.

Thanksgiving next week so you all have a wonderful holiday and don’t forget, the National Dog Show always comes on right after the Macy’s parade and is a good watch for sure (plus there is football on all day so eat, sit back and enjoy)! See you next week.


Looks like I ……..


Wouldn’t it be nice….