Slowing down to a….

Crawl! That’s right, as a result of our recent diagnosis and per Doctor’s orders, we have literally slowed this ship down to what would definitely be considered a crawl when compared to what we were up to prior to that. And it’s not been an easy thing. Complete lifestyle adjustments never are. I suppose it helps to be on meds that are designed to lower your blood pressure to the bottom end of the spectrum (pretty much drains your energy and leaves you overall a bit on the tired side) but it’s what needs to be done at the moment, so, it is what it is. The upside is coming soon and I look forward to that with each and every day.

That all said, it has been a tremendous time to do a deep dive into the vast collection of movies we have accumulated through the years. I always knew there’d be a purpose for them (yes, I know you can stream just about anything these days, however, finding that exact movie you want to watch at that exact moment is not always the easiest thing to do, thus the collection of hard copies), just kind of thought it might come much later down the line. Oh well, here we are so why not watch a few (dozen)! Definitely passes the time, keeps me entertained, accomplishes Doctors requirements for “doing nothing” and keeps me somewhat on the creative side (always wanted to write a screenplay). Plus, I’ve adjusted to eating unbuttered/unsalted popcorn now, so kind of makes it a bit more of the “movie experience”. It’s been a lot of sci-fi of late, wondering if that might be a result of medication as well?

Anyway, posted some new pics on the New Pulp page. As mentioned, Pulp Improvements are for sure on hold at the moment while we recoup but we’ll be exorcising the Pulpmuzic fingers and voice as soon as we get that full thumbs up from the Doc. Might be out of communication next week so we’ll look to be back on the air as soon as we can. All for now!


Well that sure was fun….


When life hands you a lemon…..