It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s….

Why Superman of course! That’s right, had the pleasure of going to Metropolis, Illinois yesterday which is quite famous for being Superman’s hometown (as in it really does exist). Further research indicates that it was considered a “fictional” town by the creators of the comic book but I can assure you it is very much there and coincidence or not, the town has come to embrace the big fella and taken him on as their own. Our reason for going was to check out the small shops and antique stores (last minute holiday shopping) but the very large statute in the center of town is unmistakably hard to miss and the museum across the street goes a long way to making him their own. Which I very much enjoyed as I had not previously been to any super heroes hometowns (while Gotham may be based on NYC, Batman didn’t actually live there and not sure where Wayne Manor was actually located)! Not for nothing, but they actually have a smaller size “Super Bigboy”, hamburger and all, located right down the block from Superman, which only makes it better. I should mention that the shopping trip was a complete success so Metropolis, kudos to you and what a blast to visit your town!

On the other side of things, just completed the new “Pulp Game Room” video and it is on our New Pulp page so check it out. It has my song “Listen” playing on it so I hope you enjoy. We are hitting it hard on the Pulp Kitchen improvements and back in the recording studio as well so things really starting to tick again (at least till Monday’s follow up Doctors appointment, never know what they are going to say). Also have posted a few more pics for sale, including additional shots from “The Farm” series we started posting last week, so have a look at those most interesting sunrise shots.

Time to get back out there and shop, its a “make Christmas Cookies” night later here in Pulpland, so looking forward to that. Peace and see you next week!


It’s beginning to look a lot like…


Measure once, cut….