Is it asking too much….

To have the New York Yankees get to the World Series? I know, if you are not a Yankee fan then you pretty much hate them and I totally get that. In my defense, I was born in New York and was a Yankee fan from a very early age (and quite honestly, they weren’t very good for the majority of my formative years) so it is not like I jumped ship or anything like that, I have been there through thick and thin so it is what it is. As I have mentioned on occasion previously, I’m also a Jets fan so that should prove my loyalty in that if I can admit that, then I should pretty much be trusted on the Yankee thing. Anyway, being a Jets fan, I know the suffering many of you non-Yankee fans feel and for that, you have my sympathy. Of course, the Jets almost seem good this year but I am sure this is an anomaly and I for sure know that they won’t be winning any Super Bowls so not really important, right? That all said, the Yankees last won the World Series in 2009, that is 13 years ago and in Yankee years, its as good as a half century! At least in my eyes.

So I do not find it to be rude or obnoxious to be asking if the Yankees could please go and make it to the World Series this year (and by make it, I do actually mean “win” it). We are, in fact, overdue. Using a little extrapolation and just calculating the time since baseball was first played as a team sport and the number of Yankee championships (mind you, the Yankees did not form until the early 1900’s so I am making the year length a wee bit longer than it actually should be for them in particular), I am coming up with them winning a championship every 5.4 years, so having not won since 2009, they are most certainly wayyyyy overdue!

And they came out like gangbusters this year. Prior to the All Star break they’re on pace to win over 120 games. And then….splat, just like that, they couldn’t win a game to save their lives. Okay, a couple injuries along the way, but all teams go through that at some point and things would have to turn around….maybe? Ugh, that didn’t really happen either, they just sort of coasted into the playoffs based on a record that had them so far out if front of everyone else, they just could not be caught. And yes, they did start winning games at the end going into the playoffs and players who were hurt started playing again and well, it might happen, you know?

We are currently down two games to nil against the dreaded Houston Astros and things not looking good. The Yanks don’t seem to be able to hit the ball and if not for a few home runs, the scores would not be nearly as close as they have been. And yet, being a Yankee fan, there is always hope. A couple hits here and there, the home Yankee crowd, a few massive home runs and maybe, just maybe, we get back in this thing. Fingers crossed.

In Pulpland news, started putting our Hardie Board shingles up on the Pulp Porch this week, really looking good and starting to get the hang of it! Check out the progress pics on the New Pulp page. With some recent cold weather also started warming up the vocal pipes and I am back to recording on “Reach For The Sky”and the new single “Friday” which I believe I’ll be featuring in a Pulp Improvement video shortly so stay tuned. All for now and see you next week!


Best made plans are….


Is that what that tool….