And then……

It was 2024 and decided to do a “new years” blog! You may have noticed we have been quiet for some time now and the only thing I can say is….2023 was the Year of the Change here in Pulpland. Suffice it to say we pretty much ran the gamut of things that can happen (you know the usuals, life and death, difficult decisions on paths to take, selling/buying a house, loss of a beloved pet, moving, doing that dang change of address thing only to find out some of your mail is still going to your old address and the new owners children are opening up your paycheck from your part time consulting job, of which they sent you a video, which was quite cute, meeting new neighbors, trying to get to the Home Depot without having to use Google Maps, finding out the 3rd story in your new home puts a little strain into your leg muscles…you know, pretty much everything that you think could happen, happened. And that’s just the short list.

If you’ve been following us you know that we have been deep into the 1800 Project, the restoration of an old home literally built in 1800 and let’s just say, it has been a challenge. While the saying, “they don’t build them like they used to” is quite appropriate on this project, there are also reasons why they “don’t build them like they used to”! The words “level”, “straight” and “consistent” well let’s just say were not requirements back in the day. But, that all said, it’s also not ever going to be in a place where it is collapsing from lack of infrastructure, as they built them solid and they built them to last for sure. Now flash forward to modern construction and here’s the new norm, “its taking longer then we anticipated to get the job done and it is costing more”. Which all makes sense, right? Longer equals more money, always. No worries, we are going to get this one done and it will be a thing of beauty so don’t you fret, good times ahead!

So I started writing this last week and in the interim, like today, news came that the New England (football for my non-sports fans) Patriots and their esteemed coach, Bill Belichick, have decided to part ways after 24 years or so (after winning an unprecedented 6 Super Bowls, the ultimate goal for my same non-sports fans) and it is truly the end of an era. Mind you, I am a New Yorker, a lifelong Jet’s fan (I know) and you wouldn’t think I cared that much about this but I am also now a full time resident of Massachusetts (home of the Patriots) and besides that, respect is earned and that coach and that team get all of that from me! Don’t tell the Jet’s but I am sporting a Patriots winter ski hat at the moment (I am a strong believer in supporting the local teams). But what I can’t get away from is that the man had the job for 24 years, which is longer than I have ever worked for anyone and it is pretty much a defined segment of history, an era if you will, which will probably not ever be repeated, yes, history my friends.

And what does it all mean? It means Pulpland is up and running, doing the good things that we do and we’ll report back sometime in the near future!

Peace to all!


It’s All……