new pulp

This is where we post all things new going on in pulpland. We’ll be updating often so stay tuned or sign up for our newsletter below to receive the occasional update. Everything we post on our new pulp page ends up in our pulp pages section (see above) so feel free to jump in there and have a look!

This Week’s Featured Pulp Improvement

Pulp Bath 1 Demo

Pulp Bath 1 End of Weekend

The second weekend of the Pulp Bath 1 project in the books and quite successful! We are deep into the demo of the room and near complete on that end. After a quick surmising of how things looked, we’ve decided to take at least one layer of ceiling sheetrock down, oh yeah, it is double layered and apparently built to last! If it comes down clean, great, if not we’ll just keep going and replace the whole thing. Kind of works out nicely as we’ll be installing some recessed lighting in the ceiling and the less we have to poke through, the better.

So, what was involved in the demo so far you ask? Well, first up, removing walls and fixtures. As mentioned last week, we were left with a tub faucet that could not be shut off once opened, so those lines have been secured with new shutoff valves and all lines, including drain, are now below the floor. Toilet and sink plus vanity removed and now residing in the dumpster! Tub in hallway outside the room and to join the others in the dumpster today (we’ll be bringing in some help to get it down from 3rd floor, going to be a bit tricky as the first staircase is a little tight so plan is to wrap it with moving blankets and then pretty much slide it down those stairs). Walls (aka, sheetrock, plaster and lath) all removed down to the studs. Non-working radiator disconnected and pulled (it’s a classic, we’ll re-use it elsewhere and/or turn it into art). All floor tile removed down to existing Durock, except in the footprint of the tub which sat directly on the sub-floor. Light fixtures yanked and tossed, temp lighting in place.

This weekend’s plan? Get that tub out of here, pull the ceiling and then start the rebuild. Drain and water for tub need to be re-routed for the new semi-circular stand up shower, set the new ceiling and recessed light fixtures, get going on the new walls (we have a very cool tile pattern finish that we’ll be installing) and, you know, get stuff done!

Some of the past week’s demo pics below and check in next week for a new progress report. See you then!

Pulp Improvements

The 257 Project

Most Recent Pics for Sale

The 1800 Project

Here’s the trailer to the exciting new movie coming out this summer (okay, so maybe not really a movie, more a couple long form video’s to document the start to finish of this project)! Truth is, had a little fun with a movie trailer template they have and this is the “story” of the 1800 Project to date. Enjoy!


Perfect World

Here comes our latest music video, Perfect World. There is actually an instrumental version of this in the very well done documentary, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” and we used it as backing music for the “how to Make a Pulp Greenhouse” video. Hope you like this version of me playing it!

The Ray Harm and Guy Coheleach Limited Edition Prints Prints

We recently mentioned that we had been gifted a fine collection of Ray Harm and Guy Coheleach “limited edition” art prints which we intend to eventually sell here from the website (will be setting up a page in our shop collection). Currently doing a complete inventory of what we have and documenting all of that. Wanted to share a little taste of what we are talking about so will feature a pic or two each week until we get that shop page up and running. This week’s pic sample prints below!

American Peregrine Falcon


Barn Swallow

Pulp Wildlife.jpg

Pulp Wildlife

The photography book from John Pulp. For sale now on Apple Books. Click on the button below to go directly to that page on their site!